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#107 : Cadeau grec

    Alors qu'elle prend tranquillement un verre dans un bar, Tosh est accostée par une inconnue du nom de Mary. Cette dernière lui fait présent d'un fabuleux collier, qui va lui permettre d'entendre les pensées de toutes les personnes l'entourant..


5 - 3 votes

Titre VO
Greeks Bearing Gifts

Titre VF
Cadeau grec

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Mary séduit Tosh alors que le pendentif commence à l'accabler (VO)

Mary séduit Tosh alors que le pendentif commence à l'accabler (VO)


Le pendentif détient un pouvoir inimaginable, alors Tosh prend les choses en main (VO)

Le pendentif détient un pouvoir inimaginable, alors Tosh prend les choses en main (VO)



Logo de la chaîne NRJ 12

France (inédit)
Vendredi 26.10.2007 à 00:00

Logo de la chaîne BBC 2

Grande-Bretagne (redif)
Mercredi 29.11.2006 à 21:00

Logo de la chaîne BBC 3

Grande-Bretagne (inédit)
Dimanche 26.11.2006 à 22:00

Plus de détails

Scénario : Toby Whithouse

Réalisation : Colin Teague

Production : Richard Stokes

  • 1er assistant à la direction : Nick Rae
  • 2ème assistant à la direction : Lynsey Muir
  • 3ème assistant à la direction : Rhian Salisury

Producteurs exécutifs : Russell T Davies et Julie Gardner



John Barrowman ... Capitaine Jack Harkness
Eve Myles ... Gwen Cooper
Burn Gorman ... Owen Harper
Naoko Mori ... Toshiko Sato
Gareth David-Lloyd ... Ianto Jones
Daniela Denby-Ashe ... Mary
Tom Robertson ... Soldat
Ravin J. Ganatra ... Neil
Eiry Thomas ... Carol
Shaheen Jafargholi ... Danny
Paul Kasey ... Weevil



  • Tosh est le premier personnage de la série à avoir clairement une relation homosexuelle.
  • Jack fait mention d'un rapport à remettre à UNIT. Dans l'épisode Machine fantôme, Owen possède une carte de l'agence dans sa boite à gants.
  • Lorsque Jack observe le télétransporteur extraterrestre, il mentionne qu'il contient une technologie de nanogènes: c'est celle qu'il a combattue lors de sa rencontre avec le Docteur (saison 1 de Doctor Who, The Empty Child/The Doctor dances).
  • Un Arcateenians apparaît dans l'épisode Invasion of the Bane de The Sarah Jane Adventures.
  • Le Weevil enfermé à la cave est évoqué par Gwen puis par Tosh au cours de l'épisode. Une scène supprimée montrait Jack l'enfermant après qu'ils l'aient trouvé en train d'enterrer ses enfants.
  • On retrouve sur le bureau de Jack les lunettes 3D utilisé par le Docteur dans Adieu Rose et déjà vues dans l'épisode Petits mondes. Toshiko possède quant à elle un bâton Sycorax (L'Invasion de Noël) un fusil utilisé contre les Daleks (Adieu Rose) et un tournevis sonique.
  • Owen et Gwen évoquent le cas d'une personne persuadée que des Cybermen rodent autour de la maison de sa mère.
  • Des radios de Lisa sont présentes dans la salle d'autopsie d'Owen.
  • Les pensées suicidaires de Ianto font référence à la mort de celle-ci.



  • Le titre de l'épisode fait référence à la phrase "Attention aux présents de grecs", prononcé par Virgile en contant l'histoire du Cheval de Troie.
  • Mary se compare au guerrier grec Philoctete, exilé pendant la Guerre de Troie.
  • Toshiko fait référence au film Alien lorsqu'elle parle avec Owen du squelette.
  • Mary récite le poème Kubla Khan, par Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
  • Parmi les pensées que perçoit Toshiko parmi la foule, l'une fait référence aux films de James Bond, l'autre au Journal de Bridget Jones.

    Dans les bois, en 1812, à Cardiff, une femme et un homme marchent à travers les arbres. Une dispute éclate, puis une bagarre, la femme part en courant quand tout à coup, elle découvre une étrange lumière un peu plus loin. Elle se dirige alors vers celle-ci, et une fois entrée dedans, la lumière disparaît. L’homme se dirige vers elle et pointe son pistolet… 

   Cardiff, de nos jours. Torchwood arrive sur un chantier en construction, les ouvriers auraient déterré quelque chose. La jeune femme de 1812 les observe d’un peu plus loin. Ils découvrent un artefact extraterrestre enterré à côté d’un corps. 

   De retour à Torchwood, Tosh ne peut que constater que la relation entre Gwen et Owen a évolué. Ils viennent de faire une blague en débranchant l’ordinateur de Tosh afin de lui faire croire à une panne. Mais Toshiko ne le prend pas bien car elle était en train de charger un logiciel de traduction qui lui avait pris des heures de travail. Elle leur reproche leur manque de professionnalisme, et Owen se braque en lui disant en gros qu’elle est trop coincée. Tosh est très touchée par l’évènement, et va boire un verre dans un bar, désespérée.

   Elle se fait aborder par une jeune femme, celle de 1812, Mary, qui semble la connaître et tout savoir à propos de Torchwood. Ceci passé, les deux jeunes femmes semblent s’entendre très bien et Toshiko lui parle même de Torchwood et de ce qu'elle ressent. Mary offre à Toshiko un pendentif qui lui fait entendre les pensées des gens. Apparemment, il est extraterrestre et Toshiko dit qu’elle doit le montrer à Torchwood, ce à quoi la jeune femme lui répond qu’elle est sûre qu’elle ne le fera pas. En mettant le pendentif, la jeune femme est assaillie par toutes les pensées qu'elle entend et est effrayée. Mary finit par la convaincre de garder le pendentif.

   De retour à Torchwood, Toshiko utilise le pendentif et essaie de le montrer à ses collègues mais ne le fait pas en entendant leurs pensées. Elle entend tout ce que les autres pensent, et elle n’entend pas que du bien. Alors que Owen et Gwen se montrent très critiques, Ianto est détruit de l’intérieur suite à la mort de Lisa. Tosh supporte très mal cette situation et enlève le pendentif.

   En rentrant chez elle, elle retrouve Mary qui l’attendait devant et qui lui explique que les pensées qu’elle entend ne sont, pour la plupart du temps, même pas conscientes chez les gens qu’elle écoute. Mais finalement, Tosh remet le pendentif et entend les pensées de la jeune femme, lesquelles montrent l’attirance qu’elle éprouve pour Tosh. Elles finissent par avoir une relation, Tosh se sentant désespérément seule.

   Pour s’entraîner avec le pendentif, Tosh se rend au centre-ville, pour écouter les pensées des gens, comme le lui a conseillé Mary qui s’appelle réellement Philoctète. Elle finit par entendre les pensées d’un homme qui se prépare à tuer sa famille, à cause de son divorce. Tosh le retrouve, le suit et l’arrête juste à temps. Suite à ça, Tosh rentre à Torchwood comme si de rien n’était. Gwen se moque d’Owen parce qu’il s’est trompé dans son diagnostic: le squelette retrouvé n’était pas une femme comme il l'avait dit dans un premier temps mais un homme, et la cause du décès n’était pas due à une blessure par balle mais à un objet non identifié.

   Mary interroge Tosh sur l’objet alien retrouvé sur le chantier. Elle lui répond qu’elle ne sait rien puisque c’est son boss qui s’en occupe et qu’il n’a rien dit à ce sujet. Marie lui répond que ce n’est pas normal et que c'est très étrange qu’il n’en parle pas à Tosh, elle qui est l’experte en matière de technologie. Mary a réussi à réveiller la curiosité de Tosh au sujet de l’artefact, et de retour à Torchwood, elle commence à poser des questions. Sans réponse, elle se décide à utiliser le pendentif et tout ce qu’elle entend c’est le désir entre Gwen et Owen. Quand à Jack, il a entendu parler de l’histoire de sauvetage de Tosh et lui pose des questions. Rien n’aboutira, et les questions qu’elle pose sur l’artefact à Jack, n’aboutiront pas non plus. Même avec le pendentif, elle n’entend rien mais Jack a l’air de se rendre compte que quelque chose se passe.

   De retour chez elle, Tosh dit à Mary qu’elle va rendre le pendentif à Torchwood, mais Mary refuse. Elle finit par montrer sa vraie forme d’alien à Tosh, en lui disant que cela doit rester secret. Elle fait partie du peuple papillon. Ensuite, elle lui explique que d’où elle vient, le monde n’était pas libre, et qu’elle a dû s’enfuir. Elle révèle aussi que l’artefact est un transporteur, et qu’elle refuse de se livrer à Torchwood par peur d’être enfermée et étudiée.  

   Tosh supporte de moins en moins bien le pendentif car elle se sent salie par les pensées qu’elle entend. De son côté, Owen en faisant des recherches découvre d’autres cadavres, comme celui du chantier étalés dans le temps jusqu’en 1812. Tosh se confie à Mary en lui disant qu’elle avait raison et que les humains sont mauvais. Elle n’arrive plus à vivre comme ça. Et là, Mary lui demande de la faire entrer à Torchwood, ce qu’elle fait. 

   En arrivant au QG, Jack accueille les deux jeunes femmes et Tosh fait les présentations. Mais il connaît déjà tout de Mary, et a appris que c’était une meurtrière, échappée de sa planète et qu'elle avait tué le garde qui l'accompagnait. Depuis, elle n'a cessé de tuer pour continuer à vivre sur cette planète. Subitement, Mary prend Tosh en otage pour l’échanger contre son transporteur, et Tosh et elle entendent les pensées de tous les autres. Tosh ne sait plus quoi penser à propos de ses amis et Mary lui avoue que ses sentiments étaient vrais. Jack finit par parler à Tosh en pensées et donne le transporteur contre Tosh. Une fois le transporteur en main, il se met en route. Tosh demande à Jack si elle est rentrée chez elle mais il lui répond qu'il a reprogrammé les coordonnées du transporteur pour qu'il aille directement sur le soleil et qu'elle soit tuée.

   Tosh finit par faire ses excuses aux autres pour les avoir espionnés. Et même si Owen est furieux, Gwen s’excuse aussi pour ce qu’elle fait avec lui. L’histoire se termine à l'extérieur, quand Tosh discute de tout ce qui vient de se passer avec Jack. La jeune femme finit pas détruire le pendentif, le jugeant trop dangereux pour les humains qui ne sont pas prêts à utiliser cette technologie. 


Ecrit par tomdevil

 Opening credits and series recap.


JACK : (VO) Torchwood : Outside the government, beyond the police. Tracking down alien life on earth and arming the human race against the future. The 21st century is when everthing changes, and you gotta be ready.



The woods are dark and foggy. A pretty blonde woman enters shot and looks behind her towards a young soldier.

MARY : Nearly there, we've been right busy since you lot were billeted here. This your first time ? The others been teasing you, that it ? My name's Mary.

Mary starts to undo the man’s jacket button.

Mary : Mary, like the virgin.

The soldier slaps her hard across the face.

MARY : Religious man are ya ?

The soldier slaps her again and she smiles at him incredulously and wipes her mouth. Moving closer she puts her hand over his cheek.

MARY : I'm not your bloody hound !

She scratches his face and runs into the trees. The soldier chases her.

SOLDIER : Whore !

Mary carries on running deeper into the trees. A shrill sound makes her cover her ears. She sees a light among the trees. She pauses, looks behind her then runs towards the light. The soldier is still running after her and he sees the light and stops to stare for a second. The soldier slowly draws his pistol and hears the same shrill noise - like a steam horn. The lights go out with a rush of wind. The soldier grits his teeth and walks quickly in the direction of Mary, pistol held out in front of him. He sees Mary who stands a short distance away, she turns as he lowers the pistol and walks towards her.

SOLDIER : Do whores have prayers ?

He stops, raises the gun and shoots her calmly. Mary smiles.



The Torchwood SUV travels down a dusty track then stops between police cars. Owen exits the passenger door then goes to the boot to collect equipment. Gwen exits the rear of the car and walks to the front of the SUV to wait. Jack is using his wrist cuff to scan then walks away, followed by Gwen and Toshiko. They turn off the path and walk into a red tent. Shot continues tracking past them along the path. Mary stands on the edge of the police cordon. She wears modern clothes and has a modern haircut but is otherwise unchanged. She watches the proceedings with interest.





An aged skeleton lies in a shallow hole hidden by the tent. Jack crouches near while Owen is in the hole examining the skeleton.

JACK : Once, just once I'd like to walk into one of these tents and find it's a party, you know with food and drink, people dancing, a girl crying in the corner.

Gwen stands near to Jack who continues scanning an alien device which sits near the body. It is a metal object, like a large pair of pincers.

GWEN : Is it alien ?

JACK : And how ! I'm picking up traces of illmanite peroxine, even dark matter.

Toshiko crouches to take a look.

GWEN : Any idea what it is ?

JACK : Not a clue, could be a weapon or a really big stapler. How's our friend doing there ?

Jack turns his attention to Owen who is analysing the skeleton.

OWEN : She's dead !

JACK : Yeah, thanks Quincy. She ?

OWEN : Judging by the size of her skull.

JACK : How long have they been here Tosh ?

TOSHIKO : From the depth they found them, a 196 years, eleven to eleven and half months. The earth's been disturbed so I'm afraid I can't be more accurate.

GWEN : What killed her, the stapler ?

OWEN : Nah, see those shattered ribs ? I reckon she was shot.

The skeleton has a large hole in the centre of the rib cage.

JACK : Well let's get her back to the hub and find out.

He gets up and leaves the tent. Owen starts to climb the short ladder out of the hole and Gwen helps him up.

GWEN : Need a hand ? Ooo you so ligh t! You're like a girl.

OWEN : I'm not light. I'm wiry, fat girls go mad for it. But I guess I don't need to tell you that.

Owen smiles at Gwen and leaves. Gwen turns smiling to Toshiko. Her smile fades as she looks at Toshiko who looks unhappy but smiles tightly then continues scanning with a tool which looks like a sonic screwdriver.



Gwen and Owen are under the desk, a football lies on Toshiko’s keyboard. As Toshiko enters they stand up and move away, Owen holding the football.

OWEN : Err… I'm really sorry but I think your computer might be dead.

TOSHIKO : You're kidding ! What happened ?

OWEN : Ok, so she said I was no good at sport.

Owen points at Gwen, speaking obliviously to Toshiko’s panic.

OWEN : Hello ! So I said, well throw something to me and I'll…

Toshiko cuts him off sharply.

TOSHIKO : What happened to the computer !

OWEN : Oh I, kicked out the plug.

TOSHIKO : What ! It was running a translation program I'd written. Translated every scrap of alien language we've got and broken it down into binary threads to see if there was common derivation.

Toshiko is upset, trying to explain her concerns to people who couldn’t careless. Owen looks at Gwen.

OWEN : That's a bit of a mouthful.

Gwen laughs, but her smile quickly fades when she sees Toshiko’s expression.

GWEN : Sorry private joke. Stupid joke !

TOSHIKO : We're supposed to be professionals ! We've got a job to do.

GWEN : She's right... You're right Tosh, I'm sorry.

OWEN : Do you know what, Tosh ? Sometimes I think that even that stick up your arse has a stick up its arse !

Owen walks away, bouncing the football. Gwen, bothered by Toshiko’s lack of humour and being shouted at, begins working at her computer.



Toshiko sits at the bar drinking, mulling over her bad day and wondering about the situation between Owen and Gwen. A little jealous. Mary walks over to her.

MARY : So the guy over there has been staring at me all evening and I've told him he's wasting his time but he won't listen. So I come over to talk to you because I know how this ends. He gets a punch in the neck and I get barred, and I've already been barred from about 20 pubs and I don't want to get barred from this one because they do these nice olives on the tables.

TOSHIKO : Oh… Right. Ok then.

MARY : Cool, let me get you a drink.

TOSHIKO : Really there is no need.

MARY : (To bartender) JD 'n coke, and Toshiko what do you want ?

TOSHIKO : I didn't tell you my name

MARY : Oh yeah, that was the other thing. I kind of know who you are.

TOSHIKO : I think you're mistaking…

MARY : Toshiko Sato, born in London 1975, moved to Osaka when you were 2, back to the UK, 1986. Parents were in the RAF. Grandfather worked at Bletchley Park, very impressive ! University … blah blah. Snapped up to government science think tank when you were 20, recruited to Torchwood 3 years ago. I saw you at the building site this morning. What was that you had in the case ?

TOSHIKO : How do you know about Torchwood ?

Mary lights a cigarette, comfortable and chatting happily. She knows Toshiko won’t tell her to go away.

MARY : Oh, there's stuff on the internet but you have to dig really deep, plus we pick up bits and pieces from police work, radio scanners…


MARY : Scavengers. Collectors. Just like you.

Mary sits down with her drink.

TOSHIKO : How many of them are you ?

MARY : Mmm… Listen, don't think it's in any way organised. It's really just a disparate bunch of IT guys who live with their mothers.

TOSHIKO : I shouldn't talk to you.

MARY : So go…

Toshiko makes no move to leave. A little later on, still in the pub with Mary. They now sit at a table in the centre of the room. Toshiko is tipsy, talking earnestly about Torwood to Mary.

TOSHIKO : What's most amazing are the similarities with our own culture but that can be horrible because we find lots of weapons and it just makes you think, my god everything wages war. It's not just a trait of ours but a trait of existence. It makes you feel so hopeless, but then there are times… We found this thing, it was about A4 size and had all these symbols on it, and it took me about three months to translate. It was a letter someone had written to his family, to his children, to say how much he was missing them and it just made me cry because even across these unimaginable distances there are fundamentals that stay exactly the same and there's no one to talk to about this. I mean the guys at work they're great but they don't see it the way I do.

Toshiko pauses to drink her wine.

TOSHIKO : I could be fired just for telling you that.

Mary takes a box from her bag and places it on the table.

MARY : I want to show you something.

She takes a pendant from the box.

TOSHIKO : It's a pendant.

MARY : Put it on.

Toshiko does so and suddenly she can hear peoples thoughts, words jumble at first and she has to breathe shallowly for a second because of the shock. The following are thoughts :

MAN 1 : I'll just have one more and drive slow…

WOMAN 1 : Does coffee count as food if it's got sugar in it…

WOMAN 2 : If he touches his groin one more time I'm gonna smack him in the face…

MAN 2 : I should of said I was hammered when she asked me what the time was earlier, that would have made ‘em all laugh.

TOSHIKO : (To Mary) What are they ? I can hear voices.

MAN 3 : Bloody sudoku, so bloody smart.

MAN 4 : Did I send that email ? Did I click the reply to all ?

MARY : They're people's thoughts…

WOMAN 3 : He doesn’t touch me anymore.

TOSHIKO : What ?

MARY : They're people's thoughts Toshiko…

WOMAN 3 : I wish I’d shagged that single dad I met at the parents’ evening.

MAN 5 : What's that Asian girl doing ? Is she having a fit or something ?

TOSHIKO : It's… They're so loud.

MAN 5 : She's cute though. Is that her girlfriend, Marcus Rowe reckons he's done it with two lesbians, lucky sod. How'd it work ?

TOSHIKO : That man over there, with… I can hear him…

MAN 5 : I mean does one of them sit on the side or something ?

MARY : Ok Toshiko I need you to focus.

MAN 6 : No way, I ain’t showin’ that to me doctor.

MARY : Home in on my voice, shut everything else out.

Toshiko shuts her eyes in concentration.

MARY : Just me, there is no one else but me. Can you hear me ?

Toshiko nods, Mary stops talking aloud and uses her thoughts to talk to her.

MARY : Can you hear me now ? Ok I want you to home in on just my thoughts. Ignore everything else.

TOSHIKO : There's just so much…

MARY : You can do it. It takes practise but this is what you have to learn, now what am I thinking ?

TOSHIKO : This is so hard.

MARY : Follow my voice. What am I thinking ?

TOSHIKO : You're thinking that…

MARY : That I want to kiss you.

Toshiko opens her eyes, snatches the pendant from her neck and breathes deeply.

MARY : I'm sorry, sometimes you can't control.

TOSHIKO : I know. It's fine. Where did you get it ?

MARY : It’s, been in the family for a long time.

TOSHIKO : I've never seen anything like it. It's incredible !

MARY : It's more than incredible. With this you can read people's minds, it levels the pitch between man and God.

TOSHIKO : Is it alien ?

MARY : I guess.

Toshiko gives it back to her, but Mary stops her.

MARY : No, I want you to keep it.

TOSHIKO : I can't Mary.

MARY : Please. I've kept it too long. After awhile it gets… You hear too much. It changes how you see people.

TOSHIKO : I'll have to show it to the others.

Mary laughs very lightly.

TOSHIKO : What ?

MARY : Nothing.

MARY : Just I bet you won't.

TOSHIKO : And you know this from finding my CV on the internet ?

MARY : No. Because I know the pendant.

TOSHIKO : Well you're wrong, because I will…

MARY : Yeah. But you won't.



Toshiko enters reception. She presses the button and while the door to the hub opens she takes the pendant from her bag. Ianto walks over and Toshiko hides the pendant behind her back.

IANTO : Good morning.

TOSHIKO : Yeah, hi Ianto.

Ianto goes into his office behind the counter and Toshiko puts the pendant on. She enters the central hub, Gwen is at her desk, Owen walks from the autopsy room.

OWEN : (Thoughts) What the hell would produce such a perfect circular puncture ? Maybe some sort of wooden stake…

OWEN : Hi Tosh.

OWEN : (Thoughts) She better not go into one about the computer again.

GWEN : Morning.

GWEN : (thoughts) Sergeant giving it all, ooh, Gweny’s dined call her old mates, should put a weevil in his bathroom.

TOSHIKO : I've got something to show you.

OWEN : Sure.

OWEN : (thoughts) please don't make us sit through another slideshow about the Incas or whatever it was. I want a biscuit.

GWEN : Have I got time for a pee first ?

GWEN : (thoughts) Oh sweetheart the jeans & boots thing has really kinda had its day.

TOSHIKO : I err… I found this thing.

OWEN : (thought) what's she talking about. She can be dead weird. I wonder what she'd be like in bed, Catholic, be grateful I bet.

TOSHIKO : Ok I don't know whether this comes under actual technology…

GWEN : (thought) That's Owen I can smell him on me after that shag in his car this morning. That's twice now, does that make this an arrangement or it has to be more than two times surely, as long as we keep it to just the two times we're fine. What's Tosh looking at ?

GWEN : You okay Tosh ?

OWEN : (thought) She did that thing where she ran her tongue across my teeth. I should've worn different trousers, I'm gonna have to sit down 'til this subsides a bit.

TOSHIKO : Yeah, no fine.

GWEN : So, what is it you want to show us ?

GWEN : (thoughts) I wonder if I could get Owen to come down to the volt. No I couldn't have sex in front of a weevil. Couldn't even do it in front of Trent Kendle's cat.

TOSHIKO : Forget it… It… I found this article, I'll bring it in tomorrow.

Toshiko cannot tell them about the pendant. She can no longer think straight having found out for certain about Gwen and Owen.

OWEN : No worries.

OWEN : (thought) Well thanks for that rambling trip to nowhere Tosh.

Later Toshiko sits at her desk, thinking. Ianto enters, tidying cups.

IANTO : (thoughts) Can't imagine the time when this isn't everything. Pain so constant but my stomach’s full of rats. Feels like this is all I am now. There isn't an inch of me that doesn't hurt.

IANTO : I'm about to brew some of Jack's industrial strength coffee, would you like a cup ?

TOSHIKO : I'm, fine. Thanks Ianto…

Toshiko realises how much pain Ianto is still in, how well he hides it, and she speaks quietly to him. She takes the pendant off.



Mary is sitting on the wall opposite her house, waiting for Toshiko to get home.

TOSHIKO : Might've known you'd have my address as well.

MARY : Did you tell them ?

TOSHIKO : No. I didn't !

She walks across the road and enters her house, leaving the door open. Mary follows.



Toshiko storms around angrily and give Mary a dirty look when she enters, shutting the door behind her.

MARY : What made you change your mind ? You listened to them didn't you ? See I told you, isn't it incredible ? Some of the stuff you hear.

Toshiko gets the pendant out of her bag.

TOSHIKO : What is this thing ?

She throws the pendant on the table.

TOSHIKO : Why did you give it to me ?

MARY : I told you…

TOSHIKO : The things I heard. What they thought of me ! They really… Oh these are the people that are supposed to like me !

MARY : They do like you! People are complicated. They… Ok I should have warned you about this, it isn't like reading someone's diary.

Toshiko goes to the fridge and as she shuts the door Mary sees photographs - Tosh and Owen, some friends.

MARY : The stuff you've been hearing is so deep, so personal. Stuff they're not even aware they're thinking.

TOSHIKO : You think you know someone and then suddenly you see them for real, and they're bastard little kids !

Toshiko is mainly upset about Owen rather than anything else.

MARY : Not everything, not everyone.

Mary takes her jacket off and picks up the pendant. She puts the pendant back on Toshiko once on she holds Toshiko’s face, standing close to her.

TOSHIKO : I wouldn't say your thoughts were exactly pure.

MARY : At least they're consistent.

Mary takes a step back, Toshiko looks down, upset and confused.

MARY : No agenda, no resentment.

TOSHIKO : They pity me… You don't pity me.

MARY : Why would I ?

TOSHIKO : What you're thinking now… That's pretty graphic.

MARY : That wasn't my thought.

TOSHIKO : What ?

MARY : I wasn't thinking anything. That wasn't my thought, must've been yours.

TOSHIKO : That one, there, that's yours.

MARY : Yeah… That was mine.

TOSHIKO : I… Umm I certainly seem to be enjoying myself.

MARY : You would. You will.

Toshiko kisses her passionately.



The room is modern, tidy and chic. Toshiko is in bed knees up to her chest, hugging the sheets to her, wondering why she just slept with Mary - out of character for her. Mary enters wearing a robe and leans on the doorway smoking and holding a glass and an eggcup.

MARY : You have no ash trays, not in your whole house. Not one.

TOSHIKO : What are you using ?

MARY : I think it's an egg cup.

Mary sits on the bed next to her, Toshiko sits up and turns her back to her.

MARY : You ok ? Freaking out a little ?

Mary, unconcerned, looks through the things on Toshiko’s bedside cabinet. Picks up a card.

MARY : Your birthday is July right ?

TOSHIKO : You're the expert…

MARY : Isn't it a little late to have your cards up…

She reads from the card in her hand.

MARY : Lots of love Owen. I'm guessing that's Owen from work. Owen from the building site yesterday morning. Owen from the photo on your fridge.

TOSHIKO: Put that down !

MARY : All I'm saying is that I don't want to get in the way of anything.

TOSHIKO : There's nothing to get in the way of.

Gets up and storms into her walk-in wardrobe.

MARY : I see. You wanna talk about it ?

TOSHIKO : Not really.

MARY : It's ok. Wouldn't be the first time I'd been a rebound shag.

Toshiko comes back into the room, fastening a robe around her.

TOSHIKO : You weren't. Ok. Nothings happened. Nothing will ever happen. One of the delightful things I've found out, thanks to this bloody pendant.

She throws the pendant at Mary and it lands on the floor at the far side of the room. Mary goes to pick it up and she brings it back over to Toshiko who is now lying on the bed, foetal position facing away from Mary. Mary lies down behind her speaking into her ear and dangling the pendant in front of her.

MARY : It's not all bad. Some of the things it can do are extraordinary.

TOSHIKO : What good could ever come of that ?

MARY : You need to work that out for yourself.




Toshiko stands looking around uncertain.

MARY : (VO) You need to go somewhere public, somewhere crowded.

TOSHIKO : What am I looking for ?

MARY : It will find you…

Toshiko sits up and turns to face Mary.

TOSHIKO : I'm sick of these riddles. What's going on. Where did you get this ?

MARY : I told you.

TOSHIKO : Who are you Mary ? Is that even your real name ?

MARY : Ok, here's another name. Philoctetes. I'm Philoctetes.

Toshiko standing in the Cardiff street puts on the pendant slowly. She is immediately assaulted by hundreds of thoughts which slowly start to separate.

WOMAN 4 : …Sasha wants a latte…

WOMAN 5 : I could bandage my hand since I shut it in car door. That would explain why the signatures don't match.

MAN 6 : That gives me an hour before Lisa gets back to dress up. Got to be careful she's starting to notice her tights are getting baggy round the crotch.

WOMAN 7 : All big eyed and giggly and I'm sat there with my boobs like something out of the national geographic.

WOMAN 8 : 6 cigarettes today and all them post coital, glorious.

MAN 7 : Ahh, Mr. Bond I've been expecting you.

Toshiko laughs at the man’s thought then sees another person - a woman who notices her looking.

WOMAN 9 : Some people should actually be prohibited from wearing a thong. What's that girl looking at ?

A thought attracts her attention from the others and she sees a man carying a long bag.

NEIL : I'm gonna kill them. I'm gonna kill them. I'm gonna kill them. I'm gonna kill them. Lay their bodies out afterwards and I'll lie next to them. So I'll have to do myself lying down. Should've practised that.

A woman walks into Tosh.

TOSHIKO : (thought) Sorry.

Toshiko loses the man for a minute then finds him again and begins to follow.

NEIL : Lawrence comes in and finds this he'll know that what I've been doing is right and what he's been doing is trespassing. I won't miss anything, I won't miss this city, I won't miss this body. I won't miss anything.



Neil arrives at the door. A boy on his game boy opens the door and wanders off again.

NEIL : Alright Danny ?

CAROL : I want him back at 6 and I mean 6 this time. Kelly's given me 90 minutes after hours at the tanning salon as a wedding present. Besides, you're breaking the law bringing him home late. My dad reckons I could have you arrested, so think on.

Danny enters.

CAROL : Hey put your shoes on and go to the toilet. What's that face ?

DANNY : I don't wanna go.

CAROL : Well you have to. Lawrence’ll be here in a minute and we'll be looking at napkins.

DANNY : It's borin'.

CAROL: Take your space invaders. Lawrence bought him that, haven't heard a peep out of him now. Mind that's Lawrence all over, dead thoughtful. Oh and no Cola, don't want him coming home all excited.

Neil puts the bag down on the hallway floor.

CAROL : I thought you'd stop going fishing ?

Neil pulls out a shotgun.

CAROL : Oh my God, what do you think you're doing ?

Grabs her son and hugs him to her.

NEIL : I was thinking of the Isle of Wight. You remember we had that chalet around when Danny was walking and the chalet was full of spiders and you called me your hero because I wasn't scared. I'd just pick 'em up and throw them out.

CAROL : Oh my god Neil. You're scaring me !

NEIL : It was this perfect little memory, we were happy together, because we were together and all this nonsense with Lawrence it's fine. I forgive you because I'm looking at the bigger picture now.

Neil loads the shotgun and starts to pull it up to aim.

CAROL : Oh my god, oh my god. No no please don't !

NEIL : It's ok, it's just like falling asleep, really.

CAROL : No don’t, don’t do this to Danny please !

NEIL : Then we will be together forever.

Neil collapses on the floor. As he falls Toshiko stands behind him brandishing a golf club.

TOSHIKO : It's ok. You're ok now.



Owen is by the bed with the skeleton on it. Gwen and Jack are on the balcony. Owen is throwing things at Gwen because she is singing.

OWEN : Stop singing !

GWEN : The leg bone’s connected to the hip bone…

OWEN : Please stop singing. Anything to stop you singing.

Jack laughs.

OWEN : I dunno what you're laughing at !

Owen throws things at him.

OWEN : Stop singing. Please don't sing, please don't sing. Not listening, lalala. Right, okay.

Owen throws things at Toshiko as she enters the room.

TOSHIKO : What's going on ?

GWEN : You know the skeleton we found at the building site. Well, Amanda Burton here has just completed the post mortem.

OWEN : Ok I can explain…

GWEN : As you may remember at the building site, Owen said this was a woman killed by a single gunshot.

OWEN : Yeah ok I'd been there like a minute.

GWEN : Since then he has had to tweak some of his initial conclusions. The first being that this isn’t in fact a woman but a man.

OWEN : A young man. A very girly man.

GWEN : But still, ultimately, a man. Then there was the cause of death, Owen said GSW, uh uh, the correct answer was…

OWEN : Unidentified trauma but…

TOSHIKO : Unidentified trauma ?

GWEN : Umm. You see it in RTA’s when something like a steering column or a post goes into a body at great velocity. But the one thing that could be ruled out was…

OWEN : Gunshot wound…

Taps the balcony bar.

GWEN : Gunshot wound ! Was there in fact any part of your prognosis that was right ?

OWEN : I got that it was a… skeleton.

GWEN : Yes you did !

Puts on finger on her nose and points the other at him Jack laughs and walks away with his mobile phone to make a call.

GWEN : Yes you did ! Where did you train ? Where did you train ? Did you train…

OWEN : Look…



Jack he wanders into his office Followed by Tosh. He dials a number on his mobile and wanders round while it rings.

TOSHIKO : Jack… umm… So you know anything about Greek mythology ?

JACK : (Into phone) Security Visa, 45895 Harkness.

Jack sits behind his desk then speaks to Toshiko.

JACK : A little, why ?

TOSHIKO : You ever heard of Philoctetes ? It came up in a pub quiz.

JACK : You went to a pub quiz ?

TOSHIKO : Yeah. No I love pub quizzes, down at the Prince of … Tights.

Jack looks at her, not believing her but not questioning her reasons.

JACK : Philoctetes was an archer recruited to fight in the Trojan War, he got in an argument and was marooned on the island of Limnos for about ten years.

TOSHIKO : Just left there ?

Jack doesn’t answer and Toshiko begins to wander out. Jack calls after her before she reaches the door.

JACK : Hey what's happening with that list for UNIT ?

TOSHIKO : Hmm…Oh yeah I'm still working on it.

JACK : Right well you know... when you're ready.

Toshiko pauses looking at Jack, wanting to talk but then walks away.

JACK : (on phone) Prime minister, is this a secure line ? Can you tell me why Torchwood operations have become part of your security briefings to the leader of the opposition ? The deal is…



MARY : This is incredible This is the most incredible thing I ever heard! They should make an action figure of you !

TOSHIKO : You were right about the pendant. I see it now. It can be used for good.

MARY : What did they say at work ? How did you explain it.

TOSHIKO : I didn't tell them.

MARY : I think that's wise. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to kiss you now.

TOSHIKO : Mary, no…

MARY : Listen. You do something unbelievably brave and sexy, I have to kiss you. I don't make the rules.

Mary leans over the table and they kiss. Toshiko pulls away after a short time, self consciously.

MARY : So what's happening with the thing you found on the building site ?

TOSHIKO : Dunno my boss is dealing with that.

MARY : I thought you did all the technological stuff.

TOSHIKO : I do. But sometimes our jobs overlap a bit. I'm doing… there's an admin thing he has asked me to do.

MARY : Don't you have a secretary for that ?

TOSHIKO : It's actually quite complicated.

MARY : So what's he found out ?

TOSHIKO : I dunno. He's not said anything.

MARY : Hmm… That's kind of strange.

TOSHIKO : No, it isn't, it’s fine…

MARY : No, sure. I mean if he's keeping stuff from you there is bound to be a reason.

Toshiko drinks her coffee thoughtfully, Mary’s seeds of doubt taking hold.



Owen is analysing the skeleton. Toshiko walks in carrying some coffee.

TOSHIKO : Not still worrying about that are you ?

OWEN : Ok so I'm thinking if it isn't a gun shot or a musket shot or whatever they had then, maybe it was some kind of ritual.

Toshiko hands him a coffee

OWEN : You are gorgeous !

Toshiko smiles clinging to the comment. Owen continues talking regardless.

OWEN : So I started looking into devil worship and stuff from that era to see if there is anything about plucking out hearts, and would you believe it, there's nothing. They ate eyeballs, they drank blood, they had sex with animals but they did not pluck out each others hearts ‘cause obviously that would have been a bit weird.

Toshiko laughs a little at his joke.

TOSHIKO : Why are you so bothered ? Whoever did this is hardly a threat to society anymore.

OWEN : Yeah I know. It’s just that there’s something… Does that remind you of anything ?

Owen indicates the hole in the skeleton’s chest.

TOSHIKO : Erm, that bit in Alien when that thing bursts out of John Hurt.

OWEN : I'm sorry I should've been more specific. Does that remind you of anything helpful ?

TOSHIKO : No, sorry.

OWEN : Right. Erm just go over there, do your computer stuff and think about shoes aye ? Thank you.

TOSHIKO : (halfway up the stairs) Has Jack said anything to you about the hardware we found with the skeleton ?

OWEN : No, why ?

Toshiko puts the pendant on.

OWEN : (Thought) Check any hospitals nearby, could've been someone dying in an operation.

Owen drinks the coffee and pulls a face at the taste.

OWEN : (thoughts) This has got sugar in it.

TOSHIKO : No worries, just asking.

Gwen enters and sits at the top of the stairs.

OWEN : Hello.

OWEN : (thoughts) Keep looking at the skeleton, don't look at her, no grinning.

GWEN : Hey Tosh, that coffee going begging ?

GWEN : (thoughts) What's the matter with him ? Why isn't he looking at me ?

OWEN : There are copies of that Michael Hamilton statement on yer desk. He's still seeing cyberman outside his mother’s house.

OWEN : (thought) Don't think her palm on the bottom of my spine, her hand in my hair.

TOSHIKO : I think I'll just go over there.

Owen and Gwen ignore her.

GWEN : Ok. I'll phone social services, see if there's a history of mental illnesses.

GWEN : (thoughts) No, Gwen, this good. Can't go on, this is a good thing. Why the hell isn't he looking at me ?

TOSHIKO : I think my desk is on fire.

Toshiko leaves angrily, Gwen continues looking at Owen. Toshiko sees alien device found with the skeleton and starts to look at it, Jack comes down the stairs, he sees Toshiko and hangs around the door frame.

JACK : So I've just come from a really interesting conversation with a detective inspector Henderson.

TOSHIKO : Right.

Jack enters the room and stands next to the alien device.

JACK : Interesting because, firstly, the man had the biggest hands I'd ever seen and secondly because of the story he told me about you saving a woman and her kid from being murdered by her ex-husband ?

TOSHIKO: Yeah. No I was going to tell you about that.

JACK : So why didn't you ?

TOSHIKO : I dunno. It wasn't a work thing. Just a thing. Stuff happens all the time that's not pertinent to here.

JACK : You do this all the time ? So you secretly fight crime, is that it Tosh ?

TOSHIKO : I didn't want it to look like I was showing off.

JACK : The guy they arrested, Henderson said you heard him muttering to himself as he was walking along and that's what tipped you off.

Jack starts to examine the alien device.

TOSHIKO : Humm. Couldn't really work out what he was saying at first and then I, it was like, Jesus !

Toshiko tries to laugh off the story and Jack smiles, then starts talking seriously.

JACK : That's weird, cos when I'm about to murder someone I'm really careful not to talk to myself about it while I'm on the street.

TOSHIKO : No, sure. I mean that's lesson one.

JACK : Humm.

TOSHIKO : I was wondering how you were getting on with this ?

She nods indicating the alien device.

JACK : It's ongoing.

TOSHIKO : Can you dismantle it ?

JACK : Like I said, it's ongoing.

Toshiko turns away and touches the pendant, as she does so Jack looks up but doesn’t see her touch the pendant. Toshiko tries to read his mind but she can't. Toshiko turns to look at him, wondering why she can’t read Jack’s thoughts, unnerved by the silence.

JACK : What ? Have I got something on my face ? Is it food ?

TOSHIKO : No sorry, I zoned out.

JACK : Well listen that was a good save Tosh. Well done.



Mary unpacks a plastic shopping bag onto Toshiko’s kitchen table. Toshiko stands with her back to Mary holding the pendant.

MARY : Ok so I've got crisps, I've got coffee, real coffee. Wine…

TOSHIKO : I'm giving them the pendant.

MARY : Right lets…

TOSHIKO : Your right it's not like reading someone's diary, it's so much worse.

Toshiko turns to face Mary.

TOSHIKO : And it makes me feel dirty, and ashamed and now I'm spying on my friends.

MARY : Some friends.

TOSHIKO : What's that supposed to mean ?

MARY : They pity you. They exclude you; they've got you doing bloody admin.

TOSHIKO : So ? No I've made up my mind.

MARY : Toshiko, don't do this.

TOSHIKO : So they'll probably want to talk to you. Why do you care ? It's the pendant they're interested in, they don't care about you !

MARY : If I go in that place I won't come out again.

TOSHIKO : What are you talking about ? They're not Nastarsi. Look I'll get my boss to come…

Toshiko goes to get her mobile from her bag.

MARY : Put the phone down !

Mary speaks in a voice that is not her own - a low echoing roar. Toshiko moves away from her bag nervously. Mary’s voice returns to normal when Toshiko moves.

MARY : Ok, I'll show you.

Mary closes her eyes and blue tinged light streams from her face and her body disappears in cracks to reveal a tall, elegant, semi-transparent creature with streaks of light floating from her back. She has long fingers and spiky tentacles sprout from her face like hair.

MARY : (Thought) This is why you can't tell them !

Toshiko moves towards Mary and reaches out to touch her hand.

TOSHIKO : You're cold. Who are you ?

MARY : Still the person you kissed, the person you caressed.

Mary changes back and Toshiko stares at her in wonder.

MARY : Say something.

TOSHIKO : So I'm shagging a woman in an alien.

MARY : Which is worse ?

TOSHIKO : Well I know which one my parents would say. I read your thoughts. I didn't see this. What else are you keeping from me ?

MARY : You think there could be anything bigger than this ? The freedom that you have. When I first got here I found it almost obscene. My world was savage, enforced worship in temples the size of cities, execution squads roaming the streets. Descent of any kind meant death or transportation to what they called a feral outpost.

TOSHIKO : And the pendant ?

MARY : It's how my people communicate. It's how we've communicated for centuries. Speaking orally, using a prearranged and finite number of words. It's so archaic ! And kind of gross to look at ! The machine you found is a transporter. It brought me here, it can get me home again, I need it back before you dismantle it.

TOSHIKO : Won't you be in danger ?

MARY : 200 years have passed. There'll be a new government, there'll have been 20 new governments by now.

TOSHIKO : Then why hasn't someone come back for you ?

MARY : I've been forgotten. Like Philoctetes on Limnos.

TOSHIKO : Let me take you to Torchwood. Maybe we can help you. Fix the transporter, get you back home.

MARY : You won't ! You'll examine me. Assess whether or not I'm useful, whether I'm a danger, then lock me in a cell. They're not interested in understanding alien cultures. It's just as well you haven't got the technology to reach other planets yet ! Yours is a culture of invasion. Do you really I'm going to walk, hands raised in surrender into that ?

Toshiko doesn’t answer, knowing the truth of Mary’s words.



Toshiko stands alone wondering what to do, listening to people’s thoughts as she walks.

MAN 8 : Silence when the door opens, can't do another night with the silence.

WOMAN 10 : His hands were cold.

MAN 9 : Giving it all we got, calling social services just because of a couple of bruises.

MAN 10 : Worst case scenario, lives ‘til she's really old, and the whole inheritance goes on sheltered accommodation.

Toshiko rubs her head, the thoughts crowding in until one thought comes through clearly and she stops.

WOMAN 11 : Calling it granddads little secret.

Toshiko pulls the pendant off.



Owen is in the autopsy room with the skeleton on the table. He leaves the room and goes to his station and takes off his white coat. He starts putting on his coat to leave then notices something on the screen and sits down. He starts to search the Cardiff General Hospital records, a list of names appears.




Toshiko is lying on the bed. Mary is on the armchair in the corner.

TOSHIKO : I can't stand it anymore. The weight of it. The Depravity. The fear. It fills me up.



Jack standing by a clock tower in the night watching over the city.

TOSHIKO : It's in my mouth, my hair, my eyes.

Owen sees something useful and highlights a name on the search.

OWEN : Marna ?

He pulls up the autopsy report.

TOSHIKO : Like I'm drowning in ink !

OWEN : What am I doing, what I am doing ? Heart removed.

Owen looks at a post mortem picture of a girl.

OWEN : In the post mortem, past operation.

Owen suddenly connects his memory.

OWEN : Lowry.

Owen enters a Torchwood password ‘45895’ and types Lowry into the search.

TOSHIKO : And even when I don't have the pendant on, even when there is nothing…

Jack stands by the tower, overlooking the road, still watching.

TOSHIKO : I can't forget the things I've seen. Things I've heard.

Owen continues searching.

OWEN : Heart removed…

He types another name.

OWEN : Heart removed…

He types another name, sees the pictures all with their heart removed. He keeps typing in names, the cases moving back through time.

OWEN : Removed… How far back does it go ?

TOSHIKO : It's like a curse. Something the Gods sent to drive someone mad. I had hope, I'd see something.

Jack watches the city.

TOSHIKO : A little random act of kindness, make me think we were safe.

Owen at his computer.

TOSHIKO : Some essential good in us.

Owen’s computer screen reads: Cause of death - a hole punctured through the chest. The heart gone. Unsolved.

OWEN : This is impossible.

TOSHIKO : There isn't, it's like one of the weevils.

Track through the hub cellblock, Janet is in one of the cells, reacting to the telepathy.

TOSHIKO : (VO) Gets inside you, it's just like this great drawling scream.

Janet jumps up at her cell wall, growling.

OWEN : This is completely impossible !

Owen dials a number on the phone.

TOSHIKO: You were right, everything you said about us.

Jack’s phone rings and he answers.

TOSHIKO : How we are frightened. Callus…

JACK : Owen…

OWEN : You need to see this.

He hangs up the phone. Toshiko is increasingly upset, crying now.

TOSHIKO : And I can't be a part of it any longer. I don't know what to do, tell me what to do…

MARY : Get me into Torchwood !



Toshiko enters the hub with Mary behind her.

MARY : In Xanadu did Kubla Khan / A stately pleasure-dome decree / Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man / Down to a sunless sea.

Toshiko finds the table where Jack had kept the transporter on, only to find it is missing.

MARY : So where is it, lover ?

TOSHIKO : Stay here. Jack, my boss, has got it.

Toshiko goes to the stairs. As she passes Mary grabs her arm, pulling her to face her.

MARY : Be quick. I've got a long journey ahead of me.

Strokes Toshiko's face.

MARY : I might need to something to eat before I go.

JACK : (From the balcony.) This what you're looking for ?

Holds up the transporter.

TOSHIKO : Jack !

Jack starts walking around the balcony and down the stairs to them, telling a story as he moves.

JACK : Friend of mine, lets call him Vincent. That was his name after all. Regular guy, girlfriend. Likes his sport, likes a beer. Starts acting a little strange, a little distracted. Suddenly he disappears for a couple of months. He comes back and we've got to start calling him Vanessa. Since then I've always been a little nervous when a friend behaves out of character.

He looks at Mary who stares back impassively.

JACK : I'm sorry we haven't been introduced.

He leans over the stair rail.

JACK : Jack Harkness ! My guess is your not from around these parts ! Now this

Jack holds up the transporter standing before them, a little way up the stairs.

JACK : This, huh. Is incredible.

Walks around the back of the station so he comes out behind Toshiko and Mary.

JACK : You know what it is ?

TOSHIKO : It's a transporter. Mary was a political prisoner, she was exiled here. Look, Jack…

JACK : You got half of that right. Mary, it is Mary isn't it ? You wanna tell her the really interesting bit ?

Mary doesn’t answer.

JACK : No ? Ooh chatty isn't she ? I don't know how you got a word in edgeways, Tosh. It's a two man transporter. But whatever you people may be, you may be squids for all I know. A two squid transporter, room for one prisoner and one guard! You wanna tell us what happened to the guard Mary ?

MARY : I killed him ! But I was disturbed.



Flashback to the woods in 1812. Mary approaches the alien and it takes over her body.

The cog door in the hub closes and the other members of Torchwood enter slowly. Mary looks at them then dismisses them, retuning her attention to Jack.

MARY : Then another came, a soldier.

Gwen enters the room behind Jack, Owen behind Mary.

MARY : He tried to shoot me.

Flashback to Mary being shot by the soldier. Mary walks towards him and punches him in the chest, withdrawing her hand holding his heart.

MARY : (VO) So I plunged my new human hand into his chest and plucked out his heart !

Ianto is standing by Owen now.

OWEN : And that's what you've been doing ever since.

MARY : This form needs to fed.

Mary walks between Jack and Owen, wandering among her audience as she talks.

OWEN : All the punctures, all about the size of a fist. All those people, you killed all those people.

MARY : I fled before any more soldiers came, I had so much to explore! And how I loved this body, so soft so wicked.

Mary touches herself suggestively.

MARY : Such powers body has in this world ! Within a few years the forest had gone. Transporter was safely buried under the spread of the city, I didn't care. I wasn't exactly in a hurry to get home.

JACK : And you've been killing ever since !

MARY : I knew there might come a time when my situation here became complicated.

Toshiko puts on the pendant.

MARY : But I was safe as long as I knew where the transporter was.

GWEN : (thought) The way she looks at you with those eyes. She's like an animal.

OWEN : (thoughts) When they brought that girl into the hospital. I'd only been qualified 6 months I wanted to throw up.

JACK : And then the machine was uncovered.

MARY : As soon as the air touched its surface I could feel it.

OWEN : (thought) She's just talking. She's not even frightened of us, she is just talking.

Mary continues talking, unheard under the thought.

MARY : …My beautiful Toshiko…

OWEN : (thought) I'm gonna go for it…

TOSHIKO : Owen, no !

Mary suddenly moves quickly, beyond human speed. She grabs Toshiko from behind and puts a knife to her throat. The others stand, arms outstretched ready for any opportunity.

JACK : Let her go ! Mary ! Let her go !

MARY : Toshiko tell them to give me the transporter.

TOSHIKO : I can't Mary !

Toshiko struggles against the knife.

OWEN : (thought) Ridiculous, we're unarmed. We're just shouting at her !

IANTO : (Thought) Not again, please not again !

GWEN : (Thought) Knife has incisors on the blade it’ll tear Tosh’s throat out.

Mary looks over at Gwen.

MARY : How's this ? I'll exchange Toshiko for that one.

Mary looks at Gwen, so does Jack.

MARY : Your choice.

OWEN : (Thought) No, no, not Gwen.

GWEN : Just put the knife down…

MARY : Did you hear him ? He didn't want to did he ?

OWEN : (thought) She read my thoughts. She actually read my thoughts.

GWEN : (Thought) What happened did he not what to, what did he say ?

TOSHIKO : Please don't…

MARY : That's what they think of you. That's who you've been working for for all these years.

OWEN : That's not true Tosh, don't listen.

MARY : But not me. Whatever I've done, it doesn't change the way I feel about you ! We have a connection Toshiko, something real…

JACK : (telepathy) Toshiko, don't move. Don't do anything until I say.

JACK : Ok you want the transporter. We want Toshiko ! I think that's a fair swap.

GWEN : (thought) I've been trained for this hostage situation. For gods sake Gwen think.

JACK : Give me the knife and I'll give you the transporter myself.

OWEN : (thoughts) He's just going to let her go.

Jack offers the transporter to Mary who looks at Jack then pushes Toshiko away.

IANTO : (Thought) It's a bluff that thing can’t stillwork.

Mary walks towards Jack and takes the transporter from him. Jack still stands on the other side of it, holding it close to Mary.

MARY : You smell different to them.

Jack smiles at her, flirting.

JACK : That's nothing, it's when you compare teeth with a British guy. That's when it's really scary.

MARY : What are you ?

JACK : I don't know.

MARY : And you would have put me in a cage !

Mary notices that the transporter has clicked into life.

MARY : What's happening ?

JACK : Oh that ?

Jack releases the transporter which is now locked onto Mary. He steps back out of the way.

JACK : I reprogrammed it for you. It's set to enable.

Mary vanishes with the transporter in a long flare of disappearing light, flying through the roof of the hub. They all look up following her trajectory.

JACK : Sort of now…

TOSHIKO : Where did she, has she gone home ?

JACK : I reset the coordinates.

TOSHIKO : Where to ?

JACK : To the centre of the sun. It shouldn't be hot. I mean we sent her there at night and everything.

TOSHIKO : You killed her !

JACK : Yes !

Jack walks away unconcerned while Toshiko cries while trying to be strong. Understanding. She looks up at the roof.



Owen and Gwen are talking on the balcony.

OWEN : Just ask her…

GWEN : I will Owen, just give ‘er a bit of time.

She looks over at Toshiko in the office speaking to Ianto.

OWEN : Just say something to her.

GWEN : Owen I don't know what you want me to d, she’s been through enough.

OWEN : She is really creeping me out…

GWEN : Owen, don’t be selfish about this alright.

Toshiko leaves the office and walks up to Gwen.

GWEN : When did you have this, I dunno, ability ?

TOSHIKO : Just a couple of days.

OWEN : What did you hear ?

TOSHIKO : A lot of it was noise… emotions, references I wouldn't understand.

OWEN : Yeah… and the rest ?

TOSHIKO: The rest was none of my business.

OWEN : No it wasn't.

Owen walks away angrily.

TOSHIKO : I don't know where this leaves us…

GWEN : Me neither… We can't really take the moral high ground with this. This thing between me and Owen it…

TOSHIKO : No Gwen, what I did was an invasion. I wasn't in control. I realise that now. Even so I, I can't… I have to live with this… not what I heard, what I did to you.

GWEN : And my betrayal ?

TOSHIKO : What do you mean ?

Gwen looks down at Owen working on his computer.

GWEN : I'm living with mine. This should be my wake up call. I should stop. But I won't! what does that say about me ?

TOSHIKO : I'm not really in a position to make judgements…

GWEN : This is what I'm saying Tosh… neither am I.

Toshiko starts to walk away.

GWEN : Don't let this, it doesn't matter… sorry, forget it.

TOSHIKO : What ?

GWEN : Don't let this put you off. The last couple days you've had a look about you. Love suited you !



Jack and Toshiko sit on a bench, talking. Toshiko looks at the pendant in her hands.

TOSHIKO : It's funny such a small thing could be the most powerful piece of technology we've ever found. It could tear down governments, wipe out armies. What do we do with it ?

JACK : Your call.

TOSHIKO : It's a curse.

Drops the pendant and crushes it with her boot.

TOSHIKO : Why couldn't I read your mind ?

JACK : I dunno, ‘though I could feel you scrabbling around in there.

He laughs, looking away at the passers-by.

TOSHIKO: I got nothing. It's like you were… I dunno, dead.

Jack's smile fades.

JACK : I want that list for UNIT on my desk tomorrow. Or I'll… What do bosses do in situations like these ? You know, regular bosses. Do I get to beat people ?

Laughs, Toshiko laughs too.

TOSHIKO : We've got rules for that.

JACK : Red tape !

TOSHIKO : Jack, something Mary said… probably the only honest thing she ever did say, I asked her why she gave it to me, and she said after a while it gets to you. Changes how you see people.

Jack puts his hand on Toshiko’s on her knee concerned for her.

TOSHIKO : …how can I live with it ?

JACK : There are some things we're not supposed to know. You got a snapshot, nothing more.

TOSHIKO : I don't mean about Gwen and Ianto and Owen. I mean, the whole world.

Toshiko is crying slightly, Jack stands up and puts his hand on her hair.

TOSHIKO : Doesn't matter.

He puts his finger under her chin and lifts her head gently, then he wipes a tear from her eye with his finger. He walks away leaving Toshiko to sit and think. He is unable to say anything to comfort her so he doesn’t bother.



Crédits : Daniela Denby-Ashe - Mary / Tom Robertson - Soldat / Ravin J Ganatra - Neil / Eiry Thomas - Carol / Shaheen Jafargholi - Danny / Paul Kasey - Weevil.

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06.06.2021 vers 23h

19.02.2021 vers 18h

24.08.2020 vers 01h

20.02.2018 vers 04h

18.02.2018 vers 20h

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