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#209 : La mère porteuse

Mère porteuse    C'est un grand jour pour Gwen. Aujourd'hui, elle va enfin devenir madame Rhys Williams. Les invités sont là. Les parents ont fait le voyage les demoiselles d'honneurs sont prêtes et la robe de la mariée n'a plus qu'à être mise. Mais un invité inattendu va faire sont apparition. Ce matin-là, la jeune femme se réveille enceinte et sur le point d'accoucher.

    Mais pour Gwen, il hors de question d'annuler la cérémonie ! La situation se complique quand la véritable mère veut récupérer son enfant ...


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Titre VO
Something Borrowed

Titre VF
La mère porteuse

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Sur le tournage - Episode 209 - Torchwood - Up Close With Eve Myles (vo)

Sur le tournage - Episode 209 - Torchwood - Up Close With Eve Myles (vo)


La mère de Rhys n'est pas qui elle prétend être!

La mère de Rhys n'est pas qui elle prétend être!


Rhys sauve sa fiancée (VO)

Rhys sauve sa fiancée (VO)


Bande-annonce (BBC2)

Bande-annonce (BBC2)



Logo de la chaîne Game One

France (redif)
Lundi 06.03.2023 à 23:25

Logo de la chaîne Game One

France (redif)
Lundi 06.03.2023 à 14:35

Plus de détails

Scénario : Phil Ford

Réalisation : Ashley Way

Production : Richard Stokes

Audiences GB : 2,76 millions de téléspectateurs

Crédits : John Barrowman (Capitaine Jack Harkness), Eve Myles (Gwen Cooper), Burn Gorman (Owen Harper), Naoko Mori (Toshiko Sato), Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto Jones), Kai Owen (Rhys Williams), Nerys Hugues (Brenda Williams), Sharon Morgan (Mary Cooper), William Thomas (Geraint Cooper), Robin Griffith (Barry Williams), Colette Brown (Carrie / Nostrovite), Danielle Henry (Megan), Ceri Ann Gregory (Trina), Morgan Hopkins (Mervyn), Jonathan Lewis Owen (Banana Boat), Valerie Murray (Registraire), Pethrow Gooden (Assistant du magasin).

Continuité : On retrouve le « scalpel de singularité » utilisé par Owen dans l'épisode Reset, il fait la remarque que cet engin a pu sauver Martha Jones.

Gwen explique à Rhys que leur mariage pourrait aussi bien être interrompu par une armée de Weevils.

On trouverais une lettre de Martha Jones s'excusant de n'avoir pas pu être présente au mariage ainsi que la photo dépliée par Jack  à la fin de l'épisode et qui montre bien qu'il s'est marié dans le passé.

Owen tire plusieurs coups dans le changeforme déguisé en Jack ce qui rappelle vaguement les événements de La Fin des temps.

La Nostrovite n'attaque pas Owen réalisant qu'il est déjà mort.

Tosh dit être fan des films de Fred Astaire.

Flash back de l’épisode 201 (Le Retour de Jack) : Jack apprend que Gwen va se marier avec Rhys. Coup dur. Elle lui fait comprendre que Rhys, lui,  saura lui apporter la stabilité, la confiance.

Retour présent : 2 heures avant son enterrement de vie de jeune fille Gwen est en mission, pourchassant un « truc » qui mange les gens et qui change d’apparence humaine en un éclair. Gwen l’apprend à ses dépens, et se fait mordre à l’avant-bras gauche par la créature avant que Jack ne l’explose sur place. Puis elle rejoint ses copines pour faire la fête.

Le lendemain matin c’est le jour J : Gwen se marie. Un œil pétillant sur sa belle robe, puis Gwen se lève…péniblement. A peine debout elle découvre avec horreur son reflet dans le miroir. Gwen est enceinte jusqu’au cou !


Owen est catégorique : Gwen a été « astro-biologiquement » inséminée par l’alien de la veille. Jack confirme, nonchalamment. Gwen est pétrifiée, elle n’a été que mordue. Mais c’est un moyen rusé de maintenir l’espèce, Jack cite Darwin puis carrément l’Immaculée Conception. La jeune femme est en face de 2 hommes que plus rien ne choque apparemment. Le « bébé » n’a pas tué Gwen donc il est compatible avec les humains. Faut juste retirer tout ça et reporter la noce de quelques jours… Quoi ? Gwen refuse de reporter le mariage, ça coûte cher et c’est aujourd’hui qu’elle veut se marier... (avant de changer d’avis ?).

Jack et Owen informent  le reste de l’équipe sur ce qui a engrossé Gwen. Espèce inconnue ! Mais sans danger pour Gwen. Owen va examiner la créature aux dents acérées. Tosh rejoint Gwen pour l’aider à vivre cette journée doublement particulière. Ianto doit trouver une robe de mariée « plus ample ». Sa mission offre une jolie scène où le teaboy se fait chambrer par le vendeur de robes très « aware ».

Gwen a demandé à Rhys de venir voir les dégâts.  Il jure. Foutu Torchwood! Rhys se fait un plaisir de démolir Jack, mais Gwen est « girl power » ! C’est MON boulot, lui dit-elle, rien à voir avec Jack ! Calmé,  Rhys veut que Torchwood se débarrasse de la chose dans le ventre de sa fiancée qui refuse encore. Elle se marie aujourd’hui, coûte que coûte. Elle le supplie comme si sa vie en dépendait. Ce soir elle sera Madame Williams.

Tosh et Owen dans le labo médical, la jeune femme superbement apprêtée réussit à convaincre son grincheux préféré d’assister au mariage. Bien joué Tosh !

Gwen rend visite à ses parents, en s’excusant de ne pas être venue plus tôt (9 mois minimum c’est long quand même).  Tous les trois  se rendent à la noce.  Les parents commencent leurs commérages. Echauffés par l’arrivée des parents de Rhys. Echange subtil de politesses entre les 2 familles. Gwen est déjà en pourparlers avec Rhys, elle réalise qu’ils ne pourront pas assumer la suite du mariage. Que dire aux parents ? La vérité ou qu’elle a perdu le bébé? Pas question. Ils sont dans une impasse.

Banana Boat, le témoin de Rhys, se prend une veste par une Tosh toute en beauté venue apporter la nouvelle robe à Gwen. Puis lui et son ami Mervy  tentent le coup sur une ravissante invitée inconnue avec le même échec !

Suite nuptiale : Gwen adore sa robe, et remercie Tosh.  Elles sont très émues.

Jack adore la robe que Ianto a choisie pour Gwen et félicite le jeune homme. Ils sont très émus ( !). Et Owen de venir briser le charme. Il a trouvé quelque chose de pas bon du tout dans le corps de la créature. Une glande  d’une espèce alien bien connue: le Nostrovite.

L’invitée inconnue perd une goutte de sang après que Mervyn lui a accroché une fleur sur la bretelle de sa robe. Le sang (noir !) tâche une serviette en papier oubliée sur le comptoir. Tosh la repère et s’en empare. Elle croise Banana près des chambres et découvre la belle inconnue assise sur le lit, le corps de Mervyn inerte et en sang  sur le sol. L’arrivée inopportune de Banana dans la chambre du crime permet à l’inconnue Nostrovite d’assommer Tosh puis de la ligoter avec le lourd témoin. A « consommer » plus tard.

Au hub Jack explique à Ianto (et aux spectateurs) que les Nostrovites (des changeurs de forme) adorent la chair humaine et sont sournois. Dangereux. Si celui capturé est mort, l’œuf inséminé dans le ventre de Gwen va être recherché sans relâche par sa mère. Qui ne tarde pas à le « sentir » lorsqu’elle croise Gwen dans l’escalier. Premier bref contact.

En route pour le mariage. Résigné à accepter Owen et son scalpel atypique aléatoire, Jack s’énerve contre Ianto puis contre le choix du lieu choisi pour la cérémonie : un coin perdu. (Que cachent ses emportements futils, hein Jack ?)

Enfin déguisée euh…habillée en mariée, Gwen et sa mère savourent ce moment unique. Mais c’est à son père que la jeune femme va tout avouer : la Faille, Torchwood, les aliens... Papa Cooper craint pour la santé morale de sa fille, il n’en croit pas un radis. Tandis que Rhys se fait réprimander par son propre père. Quelle soudaine et secrète grossesse non ? Et toujours aucune trace de Banana.

Ce dernier ferment ligoté à Tosh ne cesse de geindre. Leur prison ressemble à une vulgaire toile d’araignée fichtrement résistante.

La cérémonie commence enfin. Gwen au bras de son père s’avance sur le tapis rouge, passant devant la « maman Nostrovite » qui entend le cœur de son bébé palpiter, et devant la mère de Rhys qui découvre l’arrondie silhouette de sa future bru. Shocking ! Devant Madame le Maire, Gwen et Rhys sont prêts. A moins que quelqu’un dans l’assistance etc…

Bah oui Jack ! Il n’est pas d’accord et fait irruption dans la salle pour stopper la cérémonie. Un beau gosse tel que Jack nourrit alors tous les fantasmes des convives, surtout la mère de Rhys qui le prend pour le père du bébé à naître. Malgré leur colère Jack parvient à expliquer la gravité de la situation. Ils doivent trouver la maman alien avant qu’elle ne récupère son « petit », façon Nostrovite : en l’arrachant des tripes du porteur.

A l’étage, Owen et Ianto trouvent Tosh et Banana, ainsi que le corps charcuté de Mervyn.

Gwen, Rhys et Jack s’expliquent dans la suite. Parabole habile, papa et maman nostrovite vivent ensemble pour la vie mais pour procréer, c’est un ménage à trois, grâce à un hôte involontaire qui portera l’enfant jusqu’à terme.

Jack est sûr de lui, la maman est parmi les invités. Et difficile à traquer puisque c’est un changeur de forme. (profanateur de morphologie, ndr)

Mais contre toute attente Gwen plaide sa cause : elle va se marier en dépit du danger, car, dit-elle à Jack, Rhys a toujours été là pour elle, qui d’autre accepterait de l’épouser sachant ce qu’elle a dans son ventre ?( Mh qui, Jack ? Pas toi, alors dégage ! = libre interprétation proche de la vérité, ndr)

Alertés par les cris d’une des demoiselles d’honneur et ce qu’ils découvrent dans la chambre du meurtre, Rhys prend sa décision : sortir Gwen de ce danger. Tosh donne la description de la maman alien, la belle inconnue de noir vêtue. Ianto ne parvient pas à enclaver la situation, la demoiselle d’honneur se rue dans la salle et hurle au meurtre !

Au milieu de l’assemblée Tosh et Jack repèrent l’alien qui parvient à s’enfuir. Jack s’est présenté en tant que Torchwood ce qui a, disons, surpris le père de Gwen. Tout ceci est donc réel ?

Owen présente sa « solution » au problème : le scalpel. Gwen n’est pas ravie. On toque à la porte. Rhys va ouvrir à sa mère. Gwen cache tant bien que mal son ventre avec un bouquet. La mère de Rhys entre affolée, il y a un monstre à la fête. Owen s’éclipse pour joindre Jack : ils ont perdu sa piste. Owen rassure Jack, Gwen est avec Rhys et sa mère. Oops, il se trouve que le vert va bien au teint de la maman de Rhys et Tosh n’a qu’à tourner la tête pour apercevoir celle-ci en  train de discuter avec maman Cooper. Owen intercepte l’info et fait demi-tour vers la chambre de Gwen. 2 mamans de Rhys, c’est une de trop !

Gwen dit la vérité à la maman de Rhys mais Jack, Owen et Tosh s’insinuent dans la conversation en grandes pompes… dans la porte. Jack intime à l’alien de reculer, et la traite assez grossièrement. Il comprend son erreur quand Gwen reconnait le parfum de maman Rhys (les Nostrovites ne peuvent pas copier les odeurs).

Et une droite dans la figure de Jack ! C’est pas cher payé pour de telles insultes envers ma mère, dixit Rhys. Mais si c’est bien la mère de Rhys devant eux, qui parle avec maman Cooper dehors ?

Toute l’équipe arrive à coincer l’alien, changée en maman Rhys, qui s’empare de la mère de Gwen pour se défiler. Armes pointées sur elle, elle entoure de ses crocs la gorge de la mère de Gwen qui fait alors preuve d’un grand courage. Amadouant l’alien, insistant sur l’instinct maternel Gwen s’avance lentement vers elle, calmant sa pauvre mère et attend le moment où l’alien lâche prise pour lui tirer dessus avec le gun qu’elle avait camouflé sous son bouquet de fleurs. Mais cette bestiole est tenace et parvient encore à les semer. Ils pénètrent à nouveau dans l’enceinte du bâtiment tandis qu’Owen va préparer Gwen pour un avortement « atypique ». Pour cela il a besoin de Rhys car le scalpel fonctionne avec une main complète ce qui n’est plus le cas du médecin depuis qu’il est… mort et estropié de 2 doigts.  Loin de Gwen, il lui montre comment manipuler l’engin.

Jack rejoint Gwen dans sa chambre. La jeune femme est toute chose. Soudain, tandis qu’il s’approche d’elle, elle lui avoue son amour et lui reproche de ne jamais avoir voulu d’elle. Elle se sent misérable. Jack, tout charme dehors, se décide enfin à lui faire part de ses sentiments et s’apprête à l’embrasser. Mais la maman Nostrovite qui se promène sous les traits de Jack ne peut pas embrasser l’hôte de son bébé. Il reprend sa forme originale. Gwen est sauvée in extremis par Rhys alors qu’Owen se fait plaisir en vidant son chargeur sur Jack, enfin sur l’alien. Mais ce nostrovite-là est immortel et Owen, voulant vérifier l’état de la créature s’approche un peu trop près. L’alien/Jack se relève et ne décelant aucune vie chez Owen s’en va sans demander son reste.

Rhys emmène Gwen loin du palace.

Jack revient dans la chambre où Owen se trouve, avec Ianto et Tosh. Owen hésite. Est-ce le vrai Jack ? Oui. Cet alien est invincible. Il leur faut un plus gros calibre !

Rhys et Gwen s’enferment dans une grange et Rhys sort le scalpel avec lequel il n’est pas très familier. De plus maman Nostro tambourine à la porte. Le brave Rhys réussit à « éliminer » l’œuf sans mal mais maman Nostro défonce la porte et réclame son dû. Rhys se saisit d’une tronçonneuse qui traînait par là et se rue vers l’alien, d’un long bras vengeur et métallique mais …sans essence ! La tronçonneuse est hors service. Maman Nostro sourit et sent sa victoire proche mais elle explose sous les yeux des 2 futurs mariés. Jack et son très très très gros engin ont réussi le changement de forme définitif de la chose.

Et le héros (Rhys hein) finit toujours avec la fille.

Gwen et son chevalier servant échangent leurs vœux et deviennent M. et Mme Williams. La cérémonie se déroule finalement sans accro.

Owen invite Tosh à danser.

Jack danse avec Gwen, lui demandant de bien profiter de sa lune de miel et de ne pas s’inquiéter pour lui. Le boulot, les pizzas et Ianto l’attendent. Surtout Ianto qui veut sa part du gâteau et s’offre une danse avec la mariée,... avec Jack !

Fin de la fête. Tous les convives sont endormis. Bizarre ? Non. Recette spéciale Retcon + champagne. Personne ne se souviendra de cette journée hollywoodienne.  Sauf Torchwood et Rhys. C’est l’heure des adieux. De la lune de miel pour les jeunes mariés et du grand nettoyage pour l’équipe Torchwood. Et c’est ce qu’aime Ianto dans son métier : ils traquent la pourriture de l’univers le jour et après minuit ils se transforment en fée du mariage.

Drôle de conte non ?

Jack rentre au Hub en jetant une poignée de confettis. Puis tout sourire il ouvre une vieille boîte en fer pleines de vieilles photographies de lui, notamment le jour de son … mariage ! La nostalgie le gagne mais il semble apaisé.

JACK HARKNESS (v.o.) : Torchwood. Outside the government, beyond the police. Fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st Century is when everything changes... and Torchwood is ready.



Jack runs his thumb along the engagement ring on Gwen's finger. He lifts her hand up.

JACK : What's this ?

GWEN : That's an engagement ring, that is.

JACK : You're getting married ?

GWEN : Yes, Rhys asked.

JACK : And you said yes ?

GWEN : Well, no one else will have me. I need stability, Jack, someone I can rely on.



Music : "Filthy Gorgeous," by Scissor Sisters. Music pulses through the crowded club. A group of three women in red shirts and pink furry cowboy hats are holding their drinks and moving to the music.

CARRIE (glancing at her watch) : Oh, it's the service she's meant to be late for, not her hen do. Where is she ?

Gwen walks into the club across the room.

TRINA (points) : Here she is !

GIRLFRIENDS (sing loudly) : Here comes the bride, looking for a ride. Here comes the bride, and she'll take it up the aisle !

CARRIE : Ey, thought you'd bottled it.

GWEN : No, I had a lot on at work.





Gwen is running on the sidewalk.

OWEN (from radio) : Careful, Gwen...



Owen is at the computer.

OWEN :... this thing eats people.


Gwen has her gun out and starts down the substation stairs.


She makes her way down the stairs and enters the bathroom. She starts between the stalls, kicking the doors open to check each one. An older man in a suit steps out of one of the first stalls, startling Gwen. He's strangely calm. Gwen has her gun on him. She puts her gun down.

GWEN : Oh, sorry, love, on your way.

The man's eyes are red and he snarls at her, baring his pointed, blackened teeth. He holds his hands up as claws and starts toward her. Gwen fires multiple times, hitting him square in the chest. The man turns and runs out. Gwen starts after him.


The shape-shifter runs out of the substation bathrooms. He's no longer the older man, but a young man.

GWEN (v.o.) : Jack, it's a shape-shifter !

Gwen exits the substation bathrooms.

GWEN (v.o.) : He could look like anyone now, but he's leaving a trail of black blood.

She looks around. The shape-shifter is running down the sidewalk, his hand clutched to the wound in his side.

GWEN (to mic) : He's changed but it's definitely him. He's heading towards Trinity Street.

Gwen runs after him.


Gwen is in her red shirt and pink fuzzy cowboy hat. She's munching on a bag of chips.

GWEN : So, is there anything to eat tonight, or is it just booze all the way ?

TRINA : Booze, blokes, bopping and booze !

The brunette girlfriend signals to someone behind Gwen.

OFFICER (STRIPPER) (o.s.) : Gwen Cooper...

Gwen turns around. A stripper dressed as an officer steps up to her and tosses his hat aside.

OFFICER (STRIPPER) :... you're nicked.

GWEN (eyes wide) : Oh, no.

As the girlfriends laugh, the stripper rips his shirt and pants off revealing a red dildo peering out of hot pink Speedos.



Gwen runs up the steps and exits the sidewalk through an open iron gate. She slows, her gun out.

MAN (o.s.) : All alone ?

Gwen whirls around.

MAN (o.s.) : Quick, through here.

She looks behind her, doing a 180-degree turn. Suddenly, the shape-shifter bursts out through the bushes. He's younger and dark-haired, red-eyed and rotten teeth, and snarling at her. He grabs her, catching her off guard and tackles her down to the bags of trash and boxes behind her.

GWEN : Ahh !

A cat screeches off screen. The shape-shifter is above her. She grabs his neck, pushing him back. He snarls and screeches above her. With one hand, she reaches blindly for the gun near her head.


Gwen and her girlfriends are in the bathroom, giggling and washing their hands.

GWEN : This is such a bad idea. I'm getting married in... like, what, what... thirteen hours !

She lifts up her left arm to look at her watch. We note that her forearm is wrapped in a fresh bandage, there are a couple of splotches of blood already seeping through the gauze. The girls burst into more giggles and laughter. Gwen looks at herself in the mirror.

GWEN : Oh, look at me ! Hot.

She dabs her forehead with her wrist.

CARRIE : Oh, you're gorgeous. Rhys is so lucky.

TRINA : Oh, I know. (She looks at the brunette girlfriend). I've heard about his cock !

The two girlfriends burst into laughter. Gwen stares at them with wide eyes.

CARRIE : What have you done to your arm ?

She nods to the bandage on Gwen's arm.


The shape-shifter grabs Gwen's left arm and bites down hard on her forearm.

GWEN : Ahh ! Ahh ! Get off !

Gwen screams and pushes him away from her. She grabs her injured arm. The shape-shifter slams back against the wire gate. He's shot multiple times in the chest. Gwen looks behind her and sees Jack. The shape-shifter screeches and falls to the ground. Jack runs up to Gwen. She holds her right hand out to him and he helps her to her feet.

JACK : You all right ?

GWEN : Yeah.

He looks at her injured arm.

JACK : Owen should take a look at that.


Gwen looks down at her injured arm.

GWEN : Um... nothing, it's just a scratch.

Gwen smiles at Carrie, who smiles back.




CLOCK. It's 7:00. The alarm beeps and radio switches on. Gwen gets up with a start. She slams the alarm off.


Gwen groans and rubs her aching head.

GWEN : Aw... Gwen.


She looks at her wedding dress hanging on the closet door and FOCUSES on the dress. Gwen smiles and clasps her hands together in glee. It's her wedding day !

RADIO (softly in b.g.) : For you and as the time's flying by I just pray to God...

Gwen flings the covers aside and sits up on the edge of the bed. She stops and turns slowly to look at her reflection in the mirror. She stands up and shows her protruding and very pregnant belly. Her jaw drops and eyes open wide...

GWEN : Oh...

Opening credits


Owen is examining Gwen's protruding and very pregnant belly with his stethoscope.

OWEN : Gwen ?

GWEN : Hm ?

OWEN : You're pregnant. Almost full term.

GWEN : Pregnant ? (Owen nods). That's not possible.

The front door slams shut. Jack appears in the bedroom doorway. Owen quickly removes his stethoscope.

JACK : How you doing, Gwen ?

GWEN : Jack, will you tell me what's going on ? Owen says I'm pregnant.

A device Owen's holding is beeping.

JACK : Oh, you think ?

GWEN : Jesus Christ ! What with ?

OWEN : It's an exo-biological insemination.

JACK : That alien last night.

GWEN : Oh, get off !

She pushes Owen away from her and surges to her feet. She's moving past Jack and out the bedroom door.

GWEN : It bit me, Jack. That's all.

Owen turns to look at Jack. Jack rolls his eyes.

GWEN (o.s.) : Ugh !

They both leave the room and follow Gwen.


Gwen is in the kitchen pouring herself a glass of water. Jack and Owen walk in.

JACK : Passed the eggs on in the bite. Some species do that. A kind of sneaky way of keeping the bloodline going. Boy, would Darwin have a field day if he'd made it to space.

GWEN : Mmm. Yeah. Great.

OWEN : Listen, Gwen, you are going to be fine, I promise, okay ? If there was any biological incompatibility you would be dead. Gwen opens the refrigerator and reaches for something to eat. Owen takes out his scanner. Now, according to this scan you're carrying a non-sentient blastopheric mass.

GWEN : A what ?!

She opens the jar of pickles and starts eating.

OWEN : It's a kind of alien egg. But don't worry... I'm going to look after you, I promise. We've got procedures for this situation.

GWEN : You mean, this has happened before ?

JACK : You've heard of immaculate conception, haven't you ? Well...

OWEN : Right, we take you back to the hub. You lie back, I run a bio-xenic microtron, a couple of days off your feet, and you'll be right as rain.

GWEN : Whoa, a "couple of days" ? In five hours I'm walking down the aisle, Owen !

JACK : No, you're not.

OWEN : Gwen, I hate to say this, but you're going to have to postpone the wedding.

GWEN : No ! N-no way. Have you any idea how much a wedding costs ?

JACK : Listen, Gwen, you are not carrying the baby Jesus in there.

GWEN : I don't care ! All right ? I can't put Rhys through this. He's had to put up with enough as it is, okay ? So I'm not postponing the wedding.

JACK : You are not thinking straight.

GWEN (shouts) : Do not bring my bloody hormones into this, Mr. Jack Harkness !


JACK : Okay, calm down.

GWEN : Owen has said if this wasn't safe, I would know about it by now, right ?

OWEN : As far as I know, yeah...

GWEN : Okay, so I am good until after the wedding. And then I'll do whatever I have to do. Once I'm Mrs. Williams. Not before.



Rhys's phone is on the floor as it rings. Rhys reaches for the phone. He's on the couch and still sleeping.

RHYS (to phone) : Hello ?



Gwen is on the phone as she paces the floor.

GWEN (to phone) : Rhys ?

RHYS (to phone) : Gwen ! (Sits up, chuckles). Morning, lovely. Don't worry... (Throws a stuffed animal, hitting Banana Boat on the head and waking him up. Rhys stands up). Banana... Boat's on the, on the phone to the florist right now, checking the button holes.

GWEN (to phone) : Oh, he showed up, then ?

RHYS (to phone) : Uh, yeah, yeah. Uh, Lanzarote cops let him go with a warning.

GWEN (to phone) : Rhys, I need to see you.

RHYS (to phone) : It's bad luck before the wedding.

Rhys looks at his reflection in the mirror and his smile and good cheer fade quickly.

RHYS (flatly) : What's happened ?



The hub alarms sound and door closes. Jack and Owen return. Toshiko is at her workstation.

TOSHIKO : How is she ?

OWEN : She's going ahead with the wedding.

JACK : Which is fine, as long as she doesn't go into labor at the altar. (Ianto enters). Rhys might forgive her going down the aisle pregnant, but not giving birth to a razor-toothed monster that eats half his family.

IANTO : Could that happen ?

OWEN : Well, look, the pregnancy's advanced and we're not familiar with the species.

JACK : Which is why you, Owen, need to open up the guy with the teeth and make sure there's no surprises.

OWEN : I'm on it.

Owen heads out.

JACK : Tosh, you've got an early pass to the wedding. (Toshiko smiles). Keep an eye on Gwen. Ianto...

IANTO : Jack ?

JACK : Gwen's going to need a new wedding dress. Bigger.

Ianto turns and heads out.



Gwen waits in the kitchen for Rhys to arrive. Off screen, the front door slams shut.

RHYS : Gwen ?! (Rushes through the hallway). What is it ? You've got me going out of my head. (Enters living room). Don't tell me you're having second thoughts.

GWEN : No, I'm not.

Gwen shows him her very pregnant belly. Rhys is speechless. Gwen points to her belly and shakes her head.



Ianto looks through the wedding dresses on the rack. He removes one and holds it up against himself as he looks at his reflection in the mirror. The shop assistant walks up to him.

SHOP ASSISTANT : Can I help you ?

IANTO : Yeah, I'm looking for a wedding dress for a friend.

SHOP ASSISTANT : Of course you are, sir. You'd be surprised, we're quite used to men buying for their... "friends".



RHYS : Bastard Torchwood !

GWEN : I know.

RHYS : Bastard Torchwood !

GWEN : I know.

RHYS : Pregnant ! (Shouts). You're pregnant !

GWEN : Sorry, out of everything that could have screwed things up... I really don't know what to say.

RHYS (shouts) : You don't have to say anything, all right !

Gwen stares at him.

RHYS (quiet) : Sorry. It's not your fault. (Riled up again). It's them ! It's Jack ! It's not like he didn't know you were getting married today ! Why the hell did he have to send you out last night ?!GWEN (shouts) : Because it's my job !

RHYS : Well, are you going to be all right ?

GWEN : I'll be fine. They'll take me to the hub. Owen's got this... uh... big machine... thing.

RHYS : Good.

GWEN : Yes.

RHYS : Right, um... look, I'll... uh... I'll get Banana to start ringing people. Um, we'll tell everybody you're ill. Uh, appendicitis or something...

GWEN : We're not postponing the wedding. No way.

RHYS : Forget the money, I want you where they can look after you, right ? (Voice quivers). Getting married today doesn't matter.

GWEN : It matters to me ! It's not about the money, Rhys. I want to marry you ! Today. Whatever happens. If the skies are suddenly fill full of spaceships, or an army of weevils climb out of the drains on St. Mary's Street, you fool ! (She hits him with the dish cloth).Do you not understand what I'm saying, Rhys Williams ? All I want to do today is marry you,that's all I want to do.

Touched, Rhys hugs Gwen and holds her tight.

GWEN (gasps) : Ooh, uh...



Owen opens the white body bag and exposes the sharp-toothed shape-changer inside. Toshiko walks in and pauses on the steps.

TOSHIKO : Um, Owen ?

OWEN : Woot-woo. Look at you.

She's in a purple dress with hair up and ready to go to the wedding.

TOSHIKO : Do you like it ?

OWEN : Drop-dead gorgeous, Tosh, and I think I speak with some authority.

He turns to get forceps. Toshiko walks down the steps into the area.

TOSHIKO : I don't really get a chance to dress up much. What are you wearing ?

OWEN : The truth is, Tosh, weddings have never really been me, either. Love 'em and leave 'em. That was me.

TOSHIKO : Owen, you should come, could be fun.

OWEN : Have you ever seen a dead man dance ?

TOSHIKO : I've seen Fred Astaire in Easter Parade. Twice. Late night TV.

OWEN : God, you need a date, don't you ? Which this isn't, is it ?

TOSHIKO : No, Owen, it isn't. I just want you to come to the wedding. Please.

OWEN : Oh, all right, I'll... dig out my dancing shoes.

She smiles and heads out. Owen turns his attention to the body.



Gwen talks with her parents, Geraint and Mary Cooper.

GERAINT COOPER : I know it's been a while, duckling, but, um,... we... uh... never dreamed this.

GWEN : Rhys and I wanted it to be a surprise for you.

MARY COOPER : You're always full of them, but, well, this beats them all.

GERAINT : Is this why you haven't come to see us ? All those cancelled visits ?

GWEN : No. No, Dad, don't be silly. It's my job.

MARY : This mysterious job. All the same, Swansea's not another planet.

GWEN : Mmm.

GERAINT : You could have phoned, duckling.

GWEN : I'm sorry.

MARY : Oh, don't be sorry, Gwen. I can't wait to see the look on Rhys's mum's face. (She laughs as she gets up and gives Gwen a hug). It's wonderful news, Gwen ! Your dad's been going blue, holding his breath, waiting for a little grandchild.



Clear skies, lovely view. Perfect day for a wedding.


Large hotel out in the country.


The car pulls up front and stops. The door opens and Geraint Cooper gets out. He holds the back door open as Gwen gets out of the back seat.


Gwen and her mother head for the hotel as Geraint helps unload the back of the car.



Gwen signs the registration book at the front desk. Geraint and Mary stand in the back of the room behind Gwen.

GERAINT COOPER (whispers to Mary) : I was with Rhys and his mates all night last night. (Gwen removes her jacket). No one said anything about Gwen being pregnant.

MARY COOPER : Well, Rhys was probably under orders. Gwen knows how to control her men.

GERAINT COOPER : Studied under the mistress.

Mary looks at him and they share a smile and soft laugh. The front door slams closed. Brenda and Barry Williams enter.

MARY COOPER : Oh, there's Rhys's mum and dad.


Brenda nods to them. Gwen turns away as they enter.




MARY COOPER (hugs and faux kisses Brenda) : Lovely to see you, Brenda.

BRENDA WILLIAMS : What a lovely outfit. Such a brave choice for you.

MARY : And you were so made for green.

GERAINT : Big day at last.

BARRY : How's the bride ?

GERAINT : Well...

They turn to look at the front desk and find Gwen gone. They look around. Gwen's nowhere to be seen. Mary looks at Geraint.

GERAINT : Um, maybe there's something we should... uh... talk about...




Rhys opens the door and finds Gwen standing out in the hallway.

RHYS : Gwen !

She walks in.

GWEN : This isn't going to work, Rhys !

He closes the door behind her.

GWEN : We haven't thought this through properly. I mean, what about after the wedding ?

RHYS (sighs) : I've been thinking the same.

GWEN : My mum and dad think that they are getting a grandchild. (Rhys nods). Your mum and dad are going to be thinking the same thing. They're going to be excited, they're going to be planning things. I can't tell them I've lost a baby. They'll be devastated.

RHYS (reaches for her hand) : We could tell them the truth.

GWEN (backs away) : Whoa... talk sense now, Rhys.

RHYS : Well, the lies don't work, Gwen. Remember ? You tried it.

GWEN : What do you think the truth will do to them ? We've seen what comes through the rift. I don't want my mum and dad living in fear of what's prowling around in the sewers !

Gwen's phone rings.

GWEN : I'm sorry.

She answers it and steps away from Rhys.

GWEN (to phone) : Hey, Jack.



JACK (to phone, smiles) : Hey. How are you doing ?

Gwen sits on the bed.

GWEN (to phone) : Oh, you know, so far so good.

JACK (to phone) : Look, I just wanted to let you know Tosh will be with you anytime. Call it moral support.

GWEN (to phone) : I don't need a baby-sitter.

Rhys holds out his hand for the phone.

RHYS : Give it here.

He snaps his fingers and takes the phone from her.

RHYS (to phone) : We don't need you at all, Jack ! You've already done plenty to mess up today. Do us both a favor and keep well out of it, yeah ?

JACK : Yeah, I hear you, Rhys. Look, still, congratulations...

Rhys hangs up. The line disconnects. Jack pulls the phone away from his ear and looks at it before closing it. Rhys closes the phone.

GWEN : It's not his fault.

Rhys is silent and still fuming.



A blonde-haired woman dressed in black walks down the main stairs and turns to exit to the left. The bridal party walks in through the front door.

CARRIE : Oh, this is nice, isn't it, Trina ?

TRINA : Class on toast. Eh, you should get a brochure, Mervyn. If some poor girl ever gets drunk enough to marry you.

Trina and Carrie laugh.

MERVYN : Uh, yeah, that's, that's funny. I tell you what, it's going to take more than a swanky hotel to get a catch like me down the aisle.

Banana Boat comes down the main stairs and joins them. The women turn to sign in at the front desk.

BANANA BOAT : And here's mad Mervyn, the Minister of Sound !

MERVYN : Well, the Duke of Disco, the Regent of Rock and the Lord of Love.

BANANA BOAT : Whatever you say, mate. Listen, do you want a hand with the decks and the lights ?

MERVYN : Aye, but, uh... (Looks at the women signing in). I tell you what, reckon I'm up for a bit of a Mervyn sandwich later, huh.

Banana Boat chuckles. Mervyn leaves. Banana Boat turns and promptly loses his ability to speak as he sees Toshiko walk in carrying a large dress box.

BANANA BOAT : Woah. All right, love ? You've got a big box. Do you want a hand with that ?

TOSHIKO : Uh. No, thank you. I'm fine.

Toshiko makes her way toward the front desk.

BANANA BOAT : Are you going to the wedding ?

TOSHIKO : I'm a friend of Gwen's.

BANANA BOAT : Well, I'm Banana. I suppose you can tell why.

TOSHIKO : You come up in spots and go soft quickly ?

She puts the dress box down on the front desk.

BANANA BOAT : I'm actually the best man.

TOSHIKO : Evolution is full of surprises.

BANANA BOAT : I get to check everything personally, right. Uh, the disco, cake, flowers, seating.

TOSHIKO (to front desk) : Bridal suite ?

FRONT DESK (o.s.) : First floor, on your left.

BANANA BOAT : So do you fancy a little drink later ?

Toshiko picks up her box and heads up the main stairs. Banana doesn't follow her.

TOSHIKO : Sorry, I'm intolerant to vasoactive amines.


TOSHIKO : Bananas make me vomit.

Toshiko walks up the stairs. Banana puts his hands in his pockets and walks off to the left.


Banana Boat enters the bar area, walking up to Mervyn, who is hanging his jacket on the back of the chair. He turns and looks at the blonde-haired woman in black at the bar. She looks back at him. Mervyn turns and eyes Banana Boat. Mervyn rubs his hands together and walks up to the woman in black.

MERVYN : Now, a looker like you must be on the bride's side. I don't think they've got your sort of style in Rhys's family.

WOMAN IN BLACK : I like to put on a show.



Gwen opens the door and finds Toshiko and the large dress box out in the hallway.


GWEN : Hi.

TOSHIKO : Jack sent me over with this.


Gwen opens the dress box and finds the wedding dress inside. Toshiko sits in the nearby chair watching her.

GWEN : It's beautiful.

TOSHIKO : And, I don't blame you for telling Jack and Owen to stick a postponement. I think it's wonderful you're getting married, whatever.

GWEN : Tosh, thank you.

TOSHIKO : Very lucky.

GWEN : Yes.

Gwen looks at Toshiko and sees her looking down, sad.

GWEN : You know, Tosh, it'll happen for you, one day. There's always Owen...

TOSHIKO : I don't think so. "In sickness and in health, till death do us part" ? That's going to sound like a bad joke, isn't it ?

Toshiko stands up.

TOSHIKO : Um, I'll let you get on. If you need me, I'll be downstairs. Good luck.

GWEN : Thank you.

She heads out. Gwen turns back and looks at the dress.

TOSHIKO (o.s.) : Thanks.



Jack flips through the booklet with dresses in it. He sees one he likes.

JACK : No, I like that one. (He turns to Ianto, who is looking over his shoulder). Good choice.

IANTO : I estimated Gwen's size from the hub security laser scans. (Jack nods). As you know, my dad was a master tailor. He could size a man's inside leg measurement by his stride across the shop threshold.

JACK : Ah, the family eye. Remind me to test it some time.

IANTO : Well, if... uh... later on...

Owen bursts into the office.

OWEN : Jack.

IANTO : Yeah, brilliant, like that one.

OWEN : We've got a problem.



Owen pulls out a large gland covered in black stickiness from the metal pan. He shows it to Jack and Ianto.

OWEN : Look what our friend was hiding.

IANTO : And that is ?

OWEN : A proteus gland. The shape-shifting organ of a Nostrovite.

IANTO : And what is that, exactly ?

JACK : Trouble.

Owen drops the gland back into the pan. It sticks to his fingers.

JACK : Big trouble.



Mervyn is putting a red corsage on the blonde woman's black dress.

MERVYN : No good-looking woman should be at a wedding without a flower.

He accidentally sticks her with the pin.


MERVYN : Oh. Bugger. Sorry.

The woman dabs at the cut with her bar napkin.

MERVYN : Can I get you another drink ?

WOMAN IN BLACK : Actually, do you feel like getting a bite ?

She smiles at him. He smiles as she takes him by the hand and leads him out of the bar. Toshiko watches them leave. She gets up and goes to the bar with her empty glass.

TOSHIKO (to the bartender) : Another spritzer, please.

As she waits for her refill, she looks down at the bar napkin. It's spotted with black blood. She rushes out of the bar.



Gwen is sitting cross-legged on the bed. There's a knock at the door. She opens the door and finds her two bridesmaids, Trina and Carrie, there.

GWEN (smiles) : Hey, oh.

Trina pushes the door open to get a good look at Gwen's pregnant belly. She gasps.

GIRLFRIEND (o.s.) : My God ! It's true !

Gwen whistles. There's no hiding it now.

GIRLFRIEND (o.s.) : But how ?



Mervyn is on the bed. The Woman in Black is on Mervyn. They're laughing. The Woman in Black pushes Mervyn roughly backward on the bed. She rips his shirt open, pushes it up and works on undoing his belt.

MERVYN : Steady on, girl. I'm on stage later.

The Woman in Black puts her head down.



Toshiko makes her way down the hallway. She pauses by one of the room doors and listens. At the other end of the hallway, Banana Boat sees her.

BANANA BOAT : Hey, baby, if you're looking for my room, you just passed it, mind.

TOSHIKO (quietly) : I'm not. And don't call me "baby".

She walks past him. He turns and follows her.

BANANA BOAT : So what shall I call you, then ? "Beautiful" ?

She quickly turns, grabs his arm, twists it behind him as she slams him up against the wall. He grunts.

TOSHIKO (irritated) : Don't call me anything. Don't say anything.


Mervyn is lying back on the bed with a huge smile on his face as the Woman in Black is all over him. She snarls and reaches a monstrous-clawed hand up toward his mouth. She bites down hard on him. Bones crunch. Mervyn screams. She continues to bite down on him.


Toshiko hears the screams. She lets Banana Boat go and takes out her gun. She cocks it and backs away from him toward Mervyn's room. Banana Boat raises his hands.

TOSHIKO : Don't move !

He turns to face the wall as Toshiko turns the corner.


The Woman in Black is applying fresh lipstick. Toshiko kicks the door in, her gun up and pointed at the Woman in Black. She sees there's a lot of blood on the bed.

TOSHIKO : What have you done with him ?

She takes a couple of steps into the room and sees the remains of the body on the other side of the bed. Banana Boat enters the room behind Toshiko.

BANANA BOAT : What the hell is going on ?

She turns around, distracted. The Woman in Black gets up and punches Toshiko in the face, knocking her down. She grabs Banana Boat's neck and pushes him up against the open door.

WOMAN IN BLACK (NOSTROVITE) : You're lucky, I'm watching my figure. But maybe I'll keep you for tea.

She pulls him into the room.


Jack walks into his office. Ianto and Owen follow.

JACK : A Nostrovite is a shape-shifting carnivore with a taste for human flesh. It's intelligent and sneaky and... dammit, I should have seen this before.

Ianto opens the desk drawer and takes out Jack's holster and gun.

OWEN : That's it with shape-shifters, innit ? You never know what you're looking at.

IANTO : What's the big deal ? It's dead.

OWEN : Yeah. This one is.

IANTO : Oh, does there have to be more ?

Owen takes his lab coat off.

OWEN : Nostrovites mate for life. You know, like swans and penguins.

Ianto helps Jack with his jacket.

JACK : Yeah, except you don't find Nostrovites on greetings cards.

OWEN : Right, and then the male Nostrovite carries the fertilized eggs in a sac in its mouth and passes it on to a host with a bite.

Jack heads for the door.

JACK : Gwen.

IANTO : And where does the mother come in ?

OWEN : Well, she tracks down the host, and rips it open.

JACK : That's Nostrovite childbirth. And momma's out there right now, looking for Gwen. Come on.

Jack, Ianto and Owen head out.



Gwen crosses the lobby floor just as the Woman in Black, the female Nostrovite, comes down the main stairs. We hear the sounds of a heartbeat. Gwen heads up the stairs. As she approaches the Woman in Black, she gasps and doubles over.

GWEN : Oh !

WOMAN IN BLACK : Are you all right ?

GWEN : Oh, yeah, yeah. It was just a twinge.

WOMAN IN BLACK : He'll be flexing his muscles. Not long to go now.

Gwen continues up the stairs. The Woman in Black watches her go.



Jack stands in front of the water tower, probably on the chameleon block and waits as the Torchwood SUV drives up to him. Owen comes running with a backpack just as Ianto pulls up in front of Jack. Jack steps down and opens the door.

JACK : Tosh isn't responding.

OWEN : Then let's get going.

Owen opens the back door.

JACK : Sure you're ready for this, Owen ? You know what a Nostrovite can do... you think you got it covered a hundred feet away, and it's already chewing on your liver.

OWEN (checks a syringe) : I don't need my liver. You need me, Jack.

Owen opens his backpack and Jack sees the singularity scalpel inside.

JACK : Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa ! The singularity scalpel ? Where are you going with that ?

Owen zips up his backpack.

OWEN : Right. We need to get to Gwen before the Nostrovite does. We might not have a chance to get back to the hub and the microtron weighs about two tons.

IANTO : Uh, that thing kills people.

OWEN : I saved Martha with it.

JACK : Lucky shot.

OWEN : Listen, you two, you'd better start trusting me, okay ? I've been working on it, and I reckon I've got it sussed. Besides, with that Nostrovite around, we really don't have too many options.

IANTO : He's got a point.

JACK (to Ianto) : What is it with you ? Ever since Owen died, all you ever do is agree with him. Jack and Owen get into the SUV.

IANTO : I was brought up never to speak ill of the dead, even if they still do most of the talking for themselves.

JACK : Okay, Owen. But you better be sure you know what you're doing.

The SUV drives away.



Lovely day. Beautiful gardens.


TRINA : Camouflage dressing ? I'm having her dressmaker's number. No way did Gwen look pregnant last night.

The two bridesmaids walk down the aisle as they leave the ballroom.

CARRIE : Oh, we must have had way too much to drink.

TRINA : She was late, wasn't she ?


TRINA : We must have been out of our heads by the time she showed up.

CARRIE : Oh, must have been, not to notice she was pregnant. Great night, or what ?


Mary Cooper adjusts the hem of Gwen's gown. She stands up and looks at Gwen's reflection in the mirror.

MARY : You look like an angel.

Gwen turns and looks at her mum.

GWEN : Mum, I'm so sorry about this.

MARY : Gwen, it's a baby. It's God's blessing. (She hugs Gwen). You will be a good wife, and a wonderful mother. And me and your dad, we'll always be there for you, and for our grandchild. (She gives Gwen an air kiss). I'll see you downstairs. I love you.

She turns to leave.

GWEN : Mum ?

MARY (turns around) : Hmm ?

GWEN (whispers emotionally) : I love you, too.

Mary smiles at her. She turns toward the bathroom door as Gwen turns to look at her sideways reflection in the mirror.

MARY : Hurry up, Geraint. And make sure you don't leave a wet patch !

Mary leaves. The toilet flushes and the bathroom door opens. The basin water runs. Gwen runs her hands over her large belly as she continues to stare forlornly at her reflection. She starts crying. Geraint steps out of the bathroom and looks at Gwen.

GERAINT : Gwen ? What is it ?

GWEN : I can't do this. I can't. (She turns around and looks at her dad). I can't lie to you and Mum, Dad. Dad, this baby isn't Rhys's.



Rhys is outside dialing on his cell phone. He's dressed for the wedding when his father, Barry, walks up to him.

BARRY WILLIAMS : There's still no sign of Banana Boat !

RHYS : He'll be fine, Dad.

BARRY : Listen, Rhys. Your mother says this wedding is becoming a nightmare. As if Gwen showing up pregnant wasn't bad enough. Now you are sure it's yours, aren't you ?

RHYS : Dad ! I'm marrying her ! I love Gwen. Every atom of me loves Gwen, has done since the first time I laid eyes on her, okay ?

BARRY : You loved Cerys Morgan once.

RHYS : I was twelve years old !

BARRY : Still no Banana Boat.

Rhys shakes his head.



Toshiko stirs. Squishy sounds ensue with every movement she makes. She groans and it looks as if she's fused to Banana Boat; his head is on her shoulder.

TOSHIKO : Get away from me.

Banana Boat is awake and he's just as stuck to her as she's stuck to him. They're both wrapped tightly in black stuff.

BANANA BOAT : Well, I wish I could, love.

Toshiko struggles and looks around.

BANANA BOAT : Don't bother, I've tried. We're stuck fast.

The thick black stuff is wrapped tightly around them, over the bed and to the bedposts.

TOSHIKO : I can't believe it. Can you at least move your hand ?


TOSHIKO : Away !



Gwen talks with her father.

GERAINT COOPER : If there's another man, if you don't want to go through with the wedding, it's... it's all right. We'll sort things out.

GWEN : There isn't another man.

GERAINT : But you said.

GWEN : Please listen. (She takes his hand). Cardiff is in the middle of a space-time rift.

GERAINT : A what ?

GWEN : I work for an organization that controls what comes through it.

GERAINT : Comes from where ?

GWEN : Other planets. Other dimensions. (Kneels in front of him). Aliens, Dad. I'm talking about aliens. That's what I do, Torchwood. We're called Torchwood. We hunt down aliens that come through the rift.

She nods at him, waiting for a reaction.

GERAINT (gasps) : Oh, my God.

She shows him her bandaged arm.

GWEN : Look, one bit me last night, don't ask me to explain, I can't. I'm pregnant. Rhys isn't the father. It's an alien.

She points to her belly.

GWEN : It's an alien.

He looks at Gwen.



Children are laughing and running around. Geraint heads back to join Mary, who is talking with a man.


The man excuses himself. Mary turns to look at Geraint.

GERAINT : Poor girl, this wedding's got her stressed to pieces. Thinks that baby of hers is an alien from outer space.


GERAINT : It'll be all right. Once we get through today.

Brenda walks up join them.

BRENDA WILLIAMS : Gwen seems to be taking her time.

MARY : You remember how it is, Brenda. The bride likes to make an entrance.

BRENDA : Maybe, but I wasn't late for my wedding.

MARY : No. Barry might have got away.

Mary walks away. Geraint discretely turns and leaves.



Banana Boat and Toshiko are still stuck together on the bed.

BANANA BOAT : If it comes back, it's going to kill us, innit ?

TOSHIKO : Calm down. I've got friends. They'll find us.

BANANA BOAT : Yeah, but what if they don't ? What if it comes back ? I mean, we're it's bloody pack lunch, in't we ? (Shouts). Help ! Help !

TOSHIKO : Shut up !

BANANA BOAT (ignores her) : Help ! Someone help !

TOSHIKO : If it hears you screaming, it'll come and shut you up... permanently !

BANANA BOAT (shouts) : Help ! Someone ! Help.

Toshiko grabs him.

BANANA BOAT : Oh-ohh !

TOSHIKO : That's enough, unless you want to start singing in falsetto.

BANANA BOAT : Ah. Ow ! That really hurt.



The organ music plays, "Here Comes the Bride".


The audience stands up. The Woman in Black is seated in the audience. She turns and watches as Geraint and Gwen walk down the aisle. As Gwen passes by her, a heartbeat sound gets louder and louder. The audience gasps as they realize that Gwen is very, very pregnant. Brenda gets a good look at Gwen's belly and gasps. Mary smiles smugly. Geraint and Gwen reach the front with Rhys. Geraint stops and lifts her veil and kisses her on the cheek before taking his seat next to Mary. Gwen and Rhys smile at each other. The audience sits. Gwen and Rhys hold hands.

REGISTRAR : Friends and family of Rhys and Gwen, we're here today to celebrate the marriage of two people...

The heartbeat grows louder and louder as we hold on the Woman in Black.

REGISTRAR :... a ceremony binding in law...



Owen sits in the back seat as he fiddles with the singularity scalpel.

OWEN : How much further ?

IANTO : A few minutes.

JACK : What I don't understand is, if people are going to make such a big deal about getting married, why come all the way out into the middle of nowhere, where no one can find you, to do it ? That, to me, suggests inner conflict.

IANTO : It's because the happy couple want everything to be perfect.

OWEN : An alien egg in your belly and its mother coming to rip you open. Yeah, perfect..;



The ceremony continues.

REGISTRAR : Rhys and Gwen have chosen to solemnize their commitment before you...

Pause on the Woman in Black. Heartbeat sounds grow louder and louder.

REGISTRAR : But first the law requires me to ask of you all, if there is anyone here...

The heartbeat sounds quicken.

REGISTRAR :... who knows of any reason why these two may not marry ?


JACK (o.s.) : Stop !!

The door at the back of the room bursts open. The audience gasps and turns around. Gwen turns around. Rhys turns around.

JACK : Stop it !

Jack runs into the chapel.

JACK : Stop the wedding !

Jack runs up the aisle toward Gwen and Rhys.

JACK : Hold on !

GWEN : Jack ?

JACK : Gwen, believe me, I'm sorry. But this has to stop now.

BRENDA (stands up) : I just knew that baby wasn't Rhys's !

RHYS (whispers) : What the hell are you doing here ?

GWEN : Jack, I've told you, I am marrying Rhys !

JACK : Not now. You can't.

RHYS : Butt out, Jack ! You've screwed things up enough between me and Gwen. You are not going to mess up our wedding !

JACK : Listen, I am trying to save Gwen's life. Yours, too.

GWEN : What's going on, Jack ?



Owen rushes down the hallway, his gun up. He cocks it and reaches the corner. Something beeps. He turns and checks around the corner. It's clear.

IANTO : Shh. I've got a fix on Tosh's comms.

Ianto is in front of him with the scanner. They start toward Mervyn's room. The scanner beeps. Ianto kicks the door in, his gun out as he steps into the room. Owen is right behind him. They find Toshiko and Banana Boat tied together on the bed. Owen heads toward them.

OWEN : Tosh ! Are you okay ?

TOSHIKO : Just get me out of here !

Ianto checks out the rest of the room.

BANANA BOAT : All right, mate ? I'm Banana.

TOSHIKO : More like a gooseberry.

IANTO (o.s.) : Owen.

Owen sees the dead remains on the floor on the other side of the bed.

OWEN : Oh, Jesus. That's disgusting.

Owen and Ianto swap places. Owen goes to check out the remains while Ianto tries to free Toshiko.

IANTO : I'll get you out of here.



The door opens. Gwen, Rhys and Jack walk in.

GWEN : There were two of them ?

JACK : Ma and Pa Nostrovite. They hunt in pairs. But childbirth is more of a... three-way. He finds and impregnates a host. She then comes in like the midwife from hell, hanging around, watching, waiting, until the time is right. Then it gets messy.

Rhys closes the door.

RHYS : So you think it's near ?

JACK : She's a shape-shifter, Rhys. She could be out there making small talk with your mom and dad.



Trina and Carrie have a drink and walk through the gardens.

TRINA : You reckon it's all over, then ?

CARRIE : Some good-looking guy sweeps up the aisle and tells you to hold off on the confetti. What are you going to do, marry Rhys ?

TRINA : So the baby's his, is it ?

CARRIE : Didn't you see the look on her face when he showed up ?

TRINA (nods) : Mmm.

Carrie finishes her drink.

CARRIE : Anyway, I'd better go and find Mervyn. Tell him not to bother getting George Michael out the back of the van.

Carrie heads for the hotel. As she walks, she passes the Woman in Black, standing on the edge of the garden, waiting and watching the hotel.



Gwen is sitting on the bed as she talks with Jack. Rhys listens nearby.

GWEN : We're not stopping the wedding.

JACK : Gwen, there isn't a choice here.

GWEN : Ever since I've met you, Jack, all Rhys has had to put up with, with me, is crap. The lies. The danger. The complications. But he's stood by me. Who else would do that ? (She stands up). Who else would marry me knowing that I am carrying some kind of monster inside me ? I love him, and I'm going to marry him, today.

RHYS : Thanks. But it is my wedding, too. Don't I get a say ?

Before Jack can answer, a woman screams. Jack runs out of the room.


Carrie is screaming at the sight of Mervyn's bloody remains on the floor.

OWEN : That's all we need.

Owen hurries over to the remains and removes his backpack as he kneels down next to it. Carrie continues screaming. She turns and runs out of the hotel room as Ianto and Toshiko watch. Jack runs into the hotel room through the open door.

JACK : Ianto, after the girl. I need this contained.

Rhys and Gwen enter the room as Ianto tries to get out.

OWEN : Jack !

Rhys sees the remains and panics.

RHYS : Oh, God ! I want Gwen out of here now, Jack !

TOSHIKO : Jack, I've seen the shape-shifter. It's a woman. She's in black.



The Woman in Black calmly walks down the aisle. Brenda turns to talk with Mary.

BRENDA WILLIAMS : Do you know what's going on ?

MARY COOPER : I'm in the dark, too, Brenda.

BRENDA : The problem seems to be an American with no sense of timing or fashion. And your daughter !

Carrie screams as she runs in to the chapel entrance. Ianto runs in after her.

CARRIE : Call the police ! Mervyn's been murdered !

IANTO (to comm) : Jack, I'm afraid the situation is uncontained.



JACK (to comm) : Okay, Ianto, get to the SUV, jam the phone lines. The last thing we need is someone calling the police. (To Toshiko) Tosh, you're with me. We'll find that woman in black. Gwen, Owen needs to operate, now.

RHYS : I want Gwen safe Jack, now !

JACK : I want her safe, too, Rhys. So we do what I say !

GWEN : Rhys, Jack knows what he's doing, darling, okay ?

JACK : Look, if we run, the Nostrovite will be waiting for us. And we're running out of time.

GWEN : What's the plan, Jack ?

Owen holds up his backpack.

OWEN : I've got an idea.

RHYS : Then I'm staying here, okay ?

JACK : Fine ! Tosh, with me.

Jack and Toshiko rush out of the hotel room.



Barry gets a busy signal on his cell phone.

BARRY WILLIAMS : What the hell's going on here ?

Geraint also has no success with his phone.

GERAINT COOPER : I had a signal before.

The wedding guests wait. The Woman in Black is seated back in her chair.

JACK (shouts, o.s.) : Move !

Jack and Toshiko run into the room.

JACK (loudly) : I need everyone to stay calm and do exactly as I tell you.

BARRY : And who the hell are you ?

JACK : Torchwood.

GERAINT : Gwen's Torchwood ? You mean you're real ?!

Toshiko looks around the audience and finds the Woman in Black. Toshiko's gun is out.

TOSHIKO : Jack ! There she is !

JACK (shouts) : Everybody down !

Jack cocks and raises his gun. The female Nostrovite stands and turns, her eyes red and sharp teeth bared. Everyone screams and runs to get out of the way. Jack and Toshiko fire. The female Nostrovite turns and jumps out through the window, shattering the glass and landing outside on the gravel. She runs out into the gardens. Jack jumps out of the window and chases after her. Toshiko follows. Geraint and Mary Cooper slowly get up.

GERAINT : My God..!


Jack and Toshiko run out through the other end of the gardens. They've lost sight of her.

JACK : Damn, that thing's fast !

TOSHIKO : But it won't have gone far.

JACK : Not without what it came for. Come on.

They turn and head back.



Owen takes the singularity scalpel out of his backpack and starts fiddling with it as Gwen freaks.

GWEN : That ? The singularity scalpel ? That is your idea ?

OWEN : Gwen, it's cool. Believe me, okay ? I've done a lot of work on it since the whole mayfly business.

RHYS : What is it ?

GWEN : Alien medical apparatus... so Owen thinks.

The machine hums.

RHYS : Thinks ?

There's a knock at the door. Owen moves quickly, standing up and taking his gun out. He points it a the door.

BRENDA (through door) : Rhys ?

GWEN : That's his mother. That's Rhys's mother.

BRENDA (through door) : Rhys, are you in there, Rhys ?

Gwen picks up her bouquet and stands in front of the bed. Rhys goes to answer the door and Owen puts his gun away. He nods to Rhys. Everyone looks clam.

OWEN : Okay.

Rhys opens the door and lets Brenda in.

RHYS : Hiya.

BRENDA : There's... there's a monster, Rhys. That American and the Japanese girl, they went after it.

Owen heads out.

OWEN (to Rhys and Gwen) : Stay here.

Rhys closes the door. Brenda turns and looks at Gwen.



Owen takes his gun out and starts through the hallway.

OWEN (to comm) : Jack, everything okay ?



Jack and Toshiko are headed back to the building.

JACK (to comm) : It got away Owen. How's the patient ?

OWEN (from comm) : Rhys and his mum are with her.

Toshiko looks around and sees Rhys's mum talking with Mary.

TOSHIKO : Jack ! (Jack turns around). That's Rhys's mum, there !

JACK : Come on.

Jack and Toshiko hurry. Owen turns around and heads back to the bridal suite.



Gwen talks with Brenda as Rhys paces behind them.

GWEN : This isn't Rhys's baby, Brenda. It's an alien.

She moves her bouquet aside to indicate her belly. The door bursts open. Jack, Owen, Toshiko and Ianto step into the room with their guns on Brenda.

JACK : Get back, you ugly bitch !

RHYS : What the hell do you think you're doing ? That's my mother !

JACK : No. It's the alien.

BRENDA WILLIAMS : I'm not an alien !

JACK : Oh, you're good, I'll give you that.

BRENDA : But I'm not !

JACK : Yeah, and the Lone Ranger didn't have a thing with Tonto.

GWEN : Jack, does the shape-shifter copy smell too ?

OWEN : No, just physical.

GWEN : Well, I'd recognize that bloody awful perfume anywhere. It's Brenda, Jack. It's... it's Brenda.

Jack's jaw drops. He puts his gun down just as Rhys swings and hits him square in the jaw.

JACK : Oh !

RHYS : That's for calling my mother an ugly bitch !

JACK (nursing his jaw) : Ah !

TOSHIKO : If that's Rhys's mum, then who's that outside ?

Right. They turn and run outside.

JACK : Oh !



Ianto, Owen, Toshiko, Jack, Rhys and Gwen run out into the gardens.

JACK : Move !

Everyone spreads out.

OWEN : There she is !

Jack yells. The Nostrovite shrieks, her eyes turn red, teeth are blackened and sharp. Her hands turn into monstrous claws. Mary doesn't notice until the Nostrovite turns and grabs her by the neck.

GWEN : Mum !

JACK : Don't shoot.

Everyone stops. The Nostrovite has Mary in her claws. Gwen stands in the middle with Rhys, her bouquet clutched to her. Jack and the others have their guns on the Nostrovite.

GWEN (quiet) : That's my mum, Jack...

JACK : Halt !

GWEN : Mum.

NOSTROVITE (AS BRENDA) : The bond between mother and child is a wonderful thing.

GWEN : Let her go, okay ?

NOSTROVITE (AS BRENDA) : Your mother for my child.

JACK : No deal.

NOSTROVITE (AS BRENDA) : You don't have a say.

MARY COOPER : Don't listen to it, Gwen.

GWEN : It's okay, Mum, I'll make sure you're safe. It won't kill you, you'll be okay.

RHYS : You can't do this.

GWEN : It's my Mum, Rhys.

RHYS : Gwen, I can't...

GWEN : Jack...

JACK : Rhys !

Rhys steps away. Gwen, dressed in her white wedding dress and bouquet clutched in front of her, starts moving calmly toward the Nostrovite and Mary.

GWEN (softly) : Okay, Mum...

MARY (whimpers) : Gwen...

GWEN :... you're going to be okay. It's okay, Mum.

Sounds of a heartbeat grow louder and louder as Gwen moves in closer toward the Nostrovite.

GWEN : Stay calm, still.

NOSTROVITE (AS BRENDA) : Come to Momma !

The Nostrovite pushes Mary away from her and turns to bare her claws at Gwen. From under her bouquet, Gwen fires her automatic multiple times, hitting the Nostrovite square in the chest and pushing her backward. The Nostrovite screeches, turns and runs into the building. Owen and Jack run toward the building to make sure it's not lingering. Mary goes to Gwen.

OWEN : That's the kind of daughter every mother must dream of. Cool as ice, packing an automatic.

GUEST : Oh, my God !

Mary and Geraint hug Gwen. Jack and Owen head back to Gwen.

GERAINT (to Jack) : Gwen told me about you, but I didn't believe her.

JACK : It'll be back. Owen, get Gwen ready. I want that thing dealt with now.



Owen helps Gwen as they head back to the bridal suite. Rhys is behind them.

OWEN : Listen, Gwen. I'll be with you in a minute. I need to talk to Rhys.

GWEN : What about ?

OWEN : Just something of nothing. Trust me.

RHYS : What ? What ?

Gwen heads back to the bridal suite as Owen pulls Rhys aside to talk with him. Owen puts his bag down and unzips it.

OWEN : Listen, Rhys, the singularity scalpel, thing is, the last time I used it, I had two good mitts. Owen shows Rhys his bandaged hand.

RHYS : So you're telling me, you can't operate ?

OWEN : What I'm saying is that I know you'd be more happy that whoever had Gwen's life in their hands could... well, rely on both of them. Now I thought I could ask Jack, but...

RHYS : No, no, no. Um, show me what to do.

Owen puts the machine in Rhys's hands.

OWEN : Right, it kinda works itself. Let's try this...

Owen pulls Rhys aside to show and explain what to do.



Gwen is standing in front of the mirror when the door opens. Jack walks in. He closes the door behind him.

GWEN : Hello, Jack. Not quite the blushing bride, am I ? (He walks up to her and puts his hands on her shoulders). But... um... I'd given up on things going to plan a long time ago.

NOSTROVITE (AS JACK) : If life always turned out the way we expected, what would be the point of living ?

She takes his hand.

GWEN : I didn't expect to meet someone like you. If I hadn't, I'd be married by now.

NOSTROVITE (AS JACK) : You're not the only one who met somebody that knocked their world out of kilter.

She turns and looks at him.

GWEN : Rhys has always been there for me. Through all this madness, even when I haven't even deserved it. (He touches her lips and moves in close). He's not afraid to tell me he loves me.

He leans in closer toward her. The hand holding her hand, turns into claws. Gwen looks at it. Jack's eyes are red and teeth are pointed and blackened. He shrieks. Gwen head-butts the Nostrovite and knocks it backward. She turns and grabs the candleholder on the table behind her. She swings as the Nostrovite starts toward her. The door opens. Rhys and Owen walk in.

OWEN : Gwen !

Rhys picks up a chair and smashes it against the Nostrovite.

OWEN : Get her out of here !

Rhys grabs Gwen and they both run out of the room. Owen fires multiple times at the Nostrovite.


Rhys and Gwen run across the gardens and away from the main building. They can hear the gunfire. Rhys helps Gwen down the steps.


Owen empties his clip into the Nostrovite. Finally the Nostrovite falls back onto the bed. It doesn't move. Owen moves in closer to check on it. Suddenly, the Nostrovite surges up and shrieks at Owen. It moves in very close to him.

OWEN : Come on, then ! Do me a favor !

The Nostrovite looks at Owen for a long moment, then moves past him and out the room.


Rhys and Gwen are running down the steps. Gwen gasps. Rhys stops and turns back to help her.

RHYS : Hey, you all right ?

GWEN : I'm running around in a wedding dress with what feels like a keg of lager stuck up my skirt. What do you think, Rhys ?

RHYS : Come on !

He helps her down the steps.


Jack enters the room with his gun out just as Owen changes clips and snaps it into his gun.

JACK : Whoa !

Jack puts his gun down. Owen keeps his gun on Jack. Ianto and Toshiko enter the room.

JACK : What happened ? (Owen pauses). Put it down, Owen.

OWEN : It thought that I'd gone off.

TOSHIKO : Where's Gwen and Rhys ?

OWEN : They've done a runner. Listen, I emptied a clip into that thing, as did Gwen. But some mother instinct or something's making that cow unstoppable. Our guns don't work.

JACK : Then I guess we're going to need a bigger gun.



Jack and Ianto open the back of the SUV. They open two cases filled with big gun parts. Jack starts putting the big gun together.


The door opens. Gwen and Rhys enter the barn. Gwen pants loudly. Rhys shuts the door and braces it closed with a piece of wood. Gwen falls onto the hay.

GWEN : Rhys, I can't... I can't go any further !

The Nostrovite shrieks and pounds on the barn door.

RHYS : It's here ! It's here !

GWEN : Ssh ! She's going to hear us !

RHYS : I don't think there's any point in keeping quiet, Gwen. Okay, lie down.

She turns over to lie down in the hay. The Nostrovite shrieks. Rhys reaches for the pack with the singularity scalpel inside. He take sit out.

GWEN : What the hell are you doing with that ?

RHYS : Owen showed me how to use it.

Gwen screams. Or was that the Nostrovite ? The Nostrovite outside pounds on the door.

GWEN : Just do it ! Do it !

Rhys has the scalpel on and its seeking as he makes adjustments.

GWEN : Do it !

She falls back. It powers up. The scalpel beeps : Locked. He fires.

GWEN : Rhys !

And misses, hitting the counter off to the side and behind Gwen. She gasps.

GWEN : Rhys !

The Nostrovite outside screams.

RHYS : All right, all right. I've got it. I've got it now.

He tries again and makes the adjustment.

GWEN : I love you... I really love you, okay ?

The scalpel powers up. Seeking. It beeps. Locked. There's a large egg on the viewscreen. The egg is zapped and disintegrates. Gwen gasps.

GWEN : Oh !

There's a squishy sound and she surges upward.

RHYS : Gwen ! Gwen !

Gwen falls back onto the hay. She's not moving and her eyes are open. Rhys leans over her.

RHYS : Gwen ?!

She moves. And they kiss. He moves aside and she checks her tummy. It's flat. The egg is gone. Outside the Nostrovite screeches and knocks the door open. She's shape-shifted into Brenda again.

NOSTROVITE (AS BRENDA) : Get away from her, Rhys ! Let me have my young and I won't hurt you.

Rhys moves away and grabs a handsaw. He powers it up. The motor revs.

RHYS : You're too late ! It's gone ! (He advances toward the Nostrovite). And I have had a gutful of you ! (Angry). You get my girlfriend pregnant, you impersonate my mum and you ruin my wedding day !

Rhys raises the handsaw as he readies to strike. It sputters and dies.

RHYS : Fuck !

NOSTROVITE : Rhys, you're a bad boy. And you know what bad boys get ?

The Nostrovite explodes. Black Nostrovite guts splatter all over Rhys and Gwen. Jack is standing in the doorway carrying a big smoking gun.

JACK : How's that for a shape shift ?

He chuckles and heads toward them.

GWEN : Jack ?

Jack pauses and looks at Rhys.

JACK : Hey, that whole "Evil Dead" thing looks pretty good on you, Rhys.

Rhys pants, speechless. Jack heads over to Gwen and picks her up in his arms.

JACK : Ah. You okay ?

GWEN : Yeah.

He carries her over to Rhys and puts her down next to him as Rhys watches.

JACK : And...

Jack takes Rhys's and Gwen's hands... and clasps them together.

JACK :... the hero always gets the girl.

Jack heads out. Gwen turns and looks at Rhys.

GWEN : I am sorry. I've spoilt everything, haven't I ? Do you still want to marry me ?



The wedding is in progress.

GWEN : I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, ahem,... Gwen... (looks at her co-workers) Elizabeth... Cooper...

REGISTRAR : Do take thee, Rhys Alun Williams, to be my lawful wedded husband.

Gwen giggles.

GWEN : Do take thee, Rhys Alun Williams, to be my lawful wedded husband.

She puts the ring on his finger.

GWEN : Come here.

She grabs him and they kiss. The guests applaud. Gwen turns and looks at them.



The champagne cork pops. Banana Boat opens the bottle.

BANANA BOAT : Whoa, hey !

"You Do Something to Me," by Paul Weller is playing. Gwen and Rhys are out on the floor dancing along with other couples. Owen walks up to Toshiko, who is sitting at the table with Jack.

OWEN : Ah, you ready to see that dead man dance, Tosh? (He holds out his hand). Come on.

He takes her hand and leads her to the dance floor. Jack is sitting alone at the table.

LYRICS (song) : You do something to me Something deep inside.

He watches Rhys and Gwen dance.

RHYS : Happy, Mrs. Williams ?

GWEN : Oh, yes.

LYRICS (song) : I'm hanging on the wire For a love I'll never find...

Jack stands up and heads for the dance floor. He puts a hand on Rhys' shoulder.

JACK : Mind if I cut in ?

RHYS : Why not ? I'm danced off my feet. I'm gonna find a beer.

Rhys leaves Gwen to dance with Jack.

LYRICS (song) : Something wonderful Then chase it all away Mixing my emotions...

JACK : Enjoy the honeymoon.

GWEN : I will. (He chuckles). What will you do while I'm gone ?

JACK : Ooh, the usual. Pizza, Ianto... (They both laugh). ... save the world a couple of times.

GWEN : Will you miss me ?

JACK : Always. Rhys is a lucky man, a perfect husband. He's loyal... brave... he's got a hell of a swing on him ! (Chuckles). And best of all, he really loves you.

GWEN : I know.

Ianto interrupts them.

IANTO : May I... erm... ? (clears throat) Ahem...

Gwen and Jack step apart.

GWEN : Yes.

Gwen reaches for Ianto, who turns to face Jack. Gwen smiles, a little embarrassed, but steps away to leave them to dance.

LYRICS (song) : ...Hanging on the wire, yeah... Said I'm waiting for the change.

Jack and Ianto are dancing. Jack turns and glances over at Gwen, who goes to join Rhys. Jack goes back to dancing with Ianto.

LYRICS (song) : ...I'm dancing through the fire just to catch a flame... And feel real again...

Jack and Ianto are dancing on the floor with several other couples. Toshiko and Owen are standing at the door at the back of the room and aren't dancing.


The party has quieted down considerably. Everyone is sitting at the tables and not really moving. Ianto puts a glass of beer down in front of Rhys.

IANTO : There you go.

RHYS : Cheers, mate.

Rhys looks at their parents sleeping and slouched on the head table. Mary is leaning on Brenda and both are sleeping quite peacefully.

RHYS : You'd never think a couple of hours ago they all nearly got torn apart by some alien psycho-bitch.

GWEN : It's all been a bit too much for my mum and Brenda.

RHYS : I never thought I'd see that.

"Tainted Love" by Soft Cell plays. Gwen looks around and pretty much notices that everyone has fallen asleep. Feedback sounds on the microphone as the deejay slumps over the player and falls asleep. The music stops.

GWEN (amused) : Oookay, Jack, what's going on ?

JACK : Strange thing, when you mix Level Six retcon with champagne... really makes the party go with a schwing, then you fall asleep.

GWEN : You retconned our families ?

Jack mock gasps and smiles.

GWEN : It's probably for the best. I don't want my mum remembering what happened to her today.

Rhys stares at Jack. Jack looks at Gwen. He pushes two filled champagne glasses toward them.

JACK : Maybe the happy couple shouldn't either ?

GWEN : No, thank you. There'll be no secrets in this marriage.

Rhys smiles.

OWEN : Time for bed, I think.

RHYS : We'll see you after the honeymoon. Stay out of trouble.

Rhys and Gwen stand up. Everyone gets to their feet. Gwen goes around the table and kisses everyone. She kisses Owen. She kisses Ianto.

GWEN (to Ianto) : Thank you for the dress. It was beautiful.

IANTO : Take care.

GWEN : Bye-bye.

Jack waves them good-bye. Gwen and Rhys leave. Toshiko sighs.

TOSHIKO : Something tells me our bedtime is a long way off.

JACK : That's right, guys, it's been a busy day, but we are not finished yet. We've got a lot to do. We've got a major mop-up operation. And I want your best work. Remember, it's Gwen's wedding.

Everyone moves out to get to work.

IANTO : That's what I love about Torchwood. By day you're chasing the scum of the universe. Come midnight, you're the Wedding Fairy.




Jack waits as the hub doors open. The alarm sounds. Jack enters the hub. He sighs and pauses inside the doorway. He pulls out his hand from his pocket and blows out a palm full of confetti. He watches the pieces of paper flutter to the floor and he smiles. Jack takes his jacket off as he bounds up the stairs, heading for his office.


Jack opens the bottom desk drawer and pulls out a rusty old tin box. He puts it on the desk and opens it. He chuckles as he looks through some very old photos of himself in different previous lifetimes. He takes out a folded piece of paper, opens it and turns very serious as he looks at an old wedding photo. His wedding. He pauses and remembers.


Kikavu ?

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